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O&O DiskStat 1.0, Следим за местом на харде
Дата обновления: 14.02.2013 - 14:35, перейти к новому сообщению

Группа: Наши Люди

Сообщений: 1.235
O&O DiskStat 1.0

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Показывает полный размер диска, размер свободного места, количество файлов / папок, средний размер файлов, дату изменения, имя самого старого и самого нового файлов, а также имя и размер самого большого файла на диске.


Размер: 4,2 Мб

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O&O DiskStat 1.0

Current storage volume capacities have now skyrocketed into the terabyte range, a fact that was, only a few years ago, completely unimaginable. Naturally, the notion of so much space combined with the wide world of internet downloads has lead to ever increasingly diverse contents on today's hard disks: from installed programs and games to videos, pictures and music. To store a backup of so much data is no easy task. Even more challenging, however, is separating the important files for backup from the unimportant ones.

O&O DiskStat is a high-power tool for analyzing the used disk space on your storage volumes. With an easy-to-use interface based on the design of the Windows Explorer, you can take a closer look at the file and folder structure of your internal and external drives. Through intuitive and beautiful graphical representations you will find out which files, file types and folders are taking up the most space.


Quick Analysis of the File System Structure
Supports All Internal and External Drives
Intuitive and Appealing Representation of File and Folder Structure
Windows Explorer Look & Feel
Easily Find Files Occupying the Most Disk Space
Full Support of 64-bit Systems
Full Microsoft Windows Vista Compatibility

System Requirements
Operating System: Windows Vista, XP, 2000
Languages : en | de
Current Version: 1.0.2687


Группа: Модераторы

Сообщений: 10.918
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32-bit (26 MB)

64-bit (49 MB)