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DVDSubEdit 1.51, модификации к фильмам
Дата обновления: 12.12.2009 - 22:09, перейти к новому сообщению

Группа: Наши Люди

Сообщений: 858
DVDSubEdit 1.33

Твой софтовый форум DVDSubEdit - это бесплатная утилита, которая позволяет Вам визуализировать и делать модификации к фильмам (подзаголовки или основные кнопки в меню) непосредственно в файлах VOB без потребности к demux и remux потока фильма.
DVDSubEdit is free app wich allows you to visualize and make modifications to the subpics (subtitles or button highlights in menus) directly inside the VOB files, without the need to demux and remux the subpic stream.
Latest changes:
* Added slider to the retiming dialogs, and the preview shows the I-frame closest to target location for the current subpicture. The slider range can be changed in the preferences.
* You can now change the transparency of multipe pixels, and applly-to-all in just one shot (just like with color changes).
* Fixed the annoying interactions between "Ignore CLUT" and "Auto CLUT" check boxes.
* Cleaned up the way the "ShowVideo" check box behaves when loading VOBs and sups.
* The true bottom line detection is more reliable than before (hopefully!). Still not perfect.
* Added menu to open CoNS's hearing-impaired guide.
* If you cancel after changing the CLUT color, the original CLUT is now restored.
* Fixed a bug that was introduced in the previous version in the routine that detects brackets, which could cause good subtitles to be erased!
* Added a check to detect NTSC subpics in PAL video (that scenario previously crashed the app).
* Added a few error checks when loading subs, to avoid crashing when encountering malformed SPUs.

Latest changes:
* Added display of timing in the subpic info.
* Added ability to change the transparency or color in all DCSQT at the same time.
* Fixed a crash that could happen when removing hearing impaired text.
* Fixed a crash that could happen upon startup on Win ME and Win 98.
* Added a quick fix for the startup crash problem. Put a line in your ini file with NoSize=1 to avoid resizing the window on startup (which causes a crash).
* Fixed a problem in the timing info saved in .srt files, thanks mpucoder for the clarification.
* Cleaned up the GUI.

Твой софтовый форум http://www.videohelp.com/

Размер: 513.5 KB

Твой софтовый форум

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Группа: Администраторы

Сообщений: 5.369
DVDSubEdit v1.41

Твой софтовый форум

Changes in DVDSubEdit 1.41:
* Fixed a serious bug that was introduced in version 1.40, which could cause errors in the saved subpic data if field 1 was encoded before field 0. Thanks r0lZ for finding the bug and providing the example!
* Fixed another serious bug that was introduced in version 1.40, which could also cause errors in the saved subpics! Thanks Comers for the help!
* Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when a sup file was dragged and dropped on the app.
* Fixed a bug that could cause a given VCID to appear multiple times in the VCID selection, when angles are present.
* Fixed the bad display of the button outlines in pan&scan and LB mode.
* Fixed a problem when editing bitmaps with SUP files, which could cause crashes.
* Added support for "Most Recently Used (MRU) files". The file menu now lets you quickly reload the last files you've previously loaded. A fast reload enables all normal functions, except for the retiming functions which require the files to be scanned from scratch.
* Implemented colorscheme display for menus. When displaying menu highlights, you can visualize the selected and activated states for each individual button. For now, use Ctrl-Q to toggle between selected and activated, and Ctrl-N / Ctrl-P to go to the next/previous button.
* During the in-place bitmap editing, if two pixels have the same color in the currently used CLUT, a message is issued, and CLUT changed to automatic. This is essential to ensure proper exporting/importing of subpic bitmaps.
* Command line support: passing a list of files now opens them all. This means you can now drag/drop a bunch of files on the app icon.
* Also added -A input command argument to let DVDSubEdit open the largest VTS (usually the movie). You can also pass video_ts.ifo (it has the same effect).
* Added a line 1/* in the VCID selector to select all vob cells with a given VOBID and any CELLID.
* Improved the error handling in the function to retime subpics.
* Subpics with bad commands are now better identified, and subsequently ignored (to avoid crashes).


Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 8.030
DVDSubEdit 1.51

What's New in version 1.51:

Added retiming for sup files.
Added code to check that the auto clut does not have two identical colors, and abort editing with external tool if it does.
Added "invert selection" button.
Added proper handling of "Delete" key in OCR edit box.
Removed annoying warning about using autoclut when modifying subpics with external tools and colors are ambiguous, and you're already using autoclut.
Added option in preference to disable "CLUT warning" during bitmap export/import operations, when the bitmap only uses 3 colors.
Added an option in preferences to show the absolute PTS time, or the PTS relative to the first VOBU. It is customary in SUP file to display the PTS relative to the first VOBU. However, in many cases, the absolute PTS reflects the real display time of the subtitle in the movie.
Added shortcut Ctrl-Shift-E to edit bitmap with external tool.
Changed the default AutoClut colors so no two colors are identical.
Made a change to fix problems arising with PAL subpics in NTSC video.
Adjusted the area cut when removing words from subtitles.
The play buttons are now disabled when loading a sup file.
Sup files were sometimes created with a read-only flag. This is now fixed.
Fixed a bug that could cause a crash in some cases (e.g., only changing force-start to normal-start) when saving.
Fixed a problem that could cause DVDSE to hang when opening very short VOB files.
Fixed a problem with how buttons were displayed when not selected and not activated.
Fixed a few problems with start and end x/y values when exporting/importing bitmaps.
The user manual has been updated for this version.

Size: ~ 690 KB
