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KillProcess 2.44 Free, Убивает любые процессы в Win (полезно!)
Дата обновления: 02.05.2010 - 22:28, перейти к новому сообщению

Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 8.030
KillProcess 2.31 Freeware

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Данная программа может "убивать" любые процессы из списка запущенных процессов в Windows, в том числе и сервисы Windows. Очень полезная вешь для всех, т.к. зачастую все сталкиваются с зависшими процессами, не убиваемыми стандарными средствами.

This application would spawn a lot of other processes, and also depended on other applications spawning their own processes to communicate with the main application. A general run of this nasty application would start up something like 7 different processes all over Windows, all depending on eachother. This was a real pain while still in development, since the main application would behave rather strangly and crash or hang alot (like 40 times a day).
This all ment that it would literally take forever to clean up the orphan processes all of the time (since they where GUI-less). This was why KillProcess was born.

KillProcess lets you create an list of processes that should be destroyed and then perform an "batch-type" run on the list, killing of all of the processes listed.

The KillProcess application can terminate almost any application on an PC running Microsoft Windows, including Windows Services and applications being debugged (but not while at a breakpoint) in a matter of millisecond. This is more powerful than the Windows TaskManager, which also has an delay to wait for applications to "die" gracefully. KillProcess is also free from stupid questions that asks you if you are really sure that you now what you are doing (well there actually is such questions, but you can disable them). The Windows TaskManager also cannot terminate multiple processes at the same time, which is something that KillProcess is really good at! Either have the processes in your kill list, or select them in the process list and "kill" them manually.

KillProcess includes a nifty process tracker, which can prevent any process in the system from starting to execute, and thus releasing precious CPU resources to applications that should be running instead. This is great if you for some reason would like to prevent the network administrator from running a nasty virus scan application on your computer while you are making a huge animation or code compilation that consumes a lot of computer resources.

How the Applications Works

The application uses "Kill lists" to specify which processes that should be terminated. It is possible to have several lists on the PC and then select which list the application should use. The application then uses the methods in the PSAPI included in the Microsoft Platform SDK

The kill list contains the full names of the processes to be terminated - or as I prefer to call it - killed.
So if you for example want to terminate Microsoft Word swiftly, simply add Winword.exe to your kill list and fire away.

The application will kill any process that is included in the kill list,including some services and applications being debugged (which is VERY useful).

Each process on the kill list can also be "tagged" by the application. This will make the Kill Process app terminate the undesired application as soon as it spawns. This is done trough continuously polling the PSAPI for a new process list, and compare the new applications against the kill list. The polling time can be defined by the user, in order to tune the usage of the CPU.

Download: http://orangelampsoft...ocessSetup.exe

Ответов(1 - 4)

Группа: Администраторы

Сообщений: 8.232
KillProcess 2.32.1 Free

* Fixed bug in Google feature and hyperlinks
* Added "Show Window" possibility to display hidden windows
* Added "Hide Window" possibility to hide windows on the desktop
* Added Process Priority Dialog
* Fixed right-click menu for multiselected processs
* Possible to change the active kill list from main window
for quick and easy selection
* Fixed annoying graphical bug with incorrect alignment of text in
the columns in the main window
* Added possibility to sort the processes in the process list
according to kill list items.
* Removed support for old KillProcess 1.0 stuff
* Improved settings usage and optimized startup speed
* Wastly improved kill list loading speed
* Upgraded to new NSIS (2.16) and improved the installation process
* Now associating KillProcess with .lst files in Windows.
Makes it possible to load lists by double-clicking on them.
* Improved batch killing mode to accept relative path to apps
thas should die.
* Solved alot of bugs with the columnsorting in the main window
* Now remembering the sorting column and order on exit

user posted image
http://www.orangelamp...ocessSetup.exe ~ 1591.9 KB
1591.9 KB

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Группа: Наши Люди

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Группа: Наши Люди

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KillProcess 2.44

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ОС: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008 (R1 & R2)/Windows 7
Распространение: Бесплатно.
Русский Язык: Нет.
Размер: 1,81 МБ.