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7art Goblins Festival 3DScreensaver v.1.0, фестиваль гоблинов - скринсейвер
Дата публикации: 17.10.2007 - 03:58

Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 6.627
7art Goblins Festival 3DScreensaver v.1.0

Фестиваль гоблинов - красивый 3D скринсейвер на тему праздника Хэллоуин.Можно только представить,как Вы внезапно окажетесь одни в темном дремучем лесу,на небольшой поляне освещённой луной,в центре которой стоит избушка и вокруг которой зелёные забавные гоблины танцуют польку,играют с тыквой и пьют пиво.Все это сопровождается энэргичной музыкой живого ритма аккордеона и барабанов.

Goblins Festival 3D screensaver is a spooky-tacular way to celebrate Halloween or any other holiday and a special occasion, like a birthday in autumn. Install the screensaver and you and people around, whether young or young-at-heart, are in for a real treat!As you give you mouse a little rest, the display slowly blacks out and you suddenly find yourself in a secluded, misty wood with a mill in the center. And all around it are green, funny goblins dancing polka, playing with the pumpkin and letting themselves go a bit. All this is happening under the bright shine of the moon and to a very lively rhythm of accordion and drums.The screensaver features wonderfully detailed environment, such as accurately modeled forest neighborhood delivered in true 3D. The camera is floating over the party and displaying the scenery from different angles, adding to the wonderful sense of excitement and party fun. As you watch the video, it seems to never end and at times gives you an impression that you can step into the world behind the screen and join goblins in their merrymaking.The screensaver is a good way to customize your own desktop, or it may serve as a great gift to someone who is having a birthday in autumn. Presenting Goblins Festival 3D screensaver is sure to make your friend say Boo! Warning: If you refuse to download this screensaver for evaluation, something awful may happen: You'll miss out on all the fun!

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