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сборники игрушек, Mini Games
Дата обновления: 16.08.2007 - 11:57, перейти к новому сообщению

Группа: Пользователи

Сообщений: 210
_________Для начала- хорошо забытое старое.___________

Огромный сборник игр для ZX Spectrum + эмулятор для Windows

Не, ну молодые конечно недоуменно пожмут плечами, они этого не видели, это мы начинали с ДВК и Электроники, грузили локалку с внешнего флопа 5"25 размером и весом с UPS, не играли в Вормсов на "четверке"... нда, чего-то меня опять на ностальгию потянуло. Речь собсно о следующем.Было такое время, когда вместо навороченного компа с видюхами по 400 баксов была маленькая легкая коробочка, вместо тфт-монитора – телевизор, вместо рейда - кассетный магнитофон (реже флоп 5"25")....
Что там за смешки на галёрке?? Между прочим я тоже с этого начинал, даже программки пописывал какие-то. Жутко мне тогда это все дело нравилось – еще бы - персональный ПК в доме, не у каждого был. Игрушек было – великое множество, целая гора кассет. Каждый выходной ходил на "балку" (местный компьютерный рынок), где такие же счастливые обладатели "спектрума" часами простаивали возле лотков с играми и софтом. Вот время было: купил
игру – и никаких проблем, никакой защиты, кассету в магнитофон ткнул - несколько минут писка-треска и море наслаждения!
Блин, опять сполз с темы. Ну так вот. Тем, кто это всё застал, помнит, скучает – огромный пакет игрушек и виндовый эмулятор в подарок. Игрушек действительно немало – аж 12474 штуки!

Когда скачаете архив, там будет один 190-метровый файл "ZX_Spectrum_setup.exe", это собственно инсталлятор: в нем и игрушки, и эмулятор. Устанавливаете, запускаете и понеслось!

Скачать "Огромный сборник игр для ZX Spectrum + эмулятор для Windows"
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часть 1 + часть 2 + список игр

« Зеркало на Easy-share »

часть 1 + часть 2 + список игр
http://w12.easy-share.com/1297481.html (1)
http://w12.easy-share.com/1297601.html (2)
http://w12.easy-share.com/1297251.html (список игр)

Общий размер: 191 Mb, процент восстановления - 2%M
архивы на зеркалах идентичны

PS Для всех кто помнит Elite и хотел бы поиграть на своем компе. зайдите сюда

там три Элиты и куча файлов к ним


Помните игруху Tetris Classic от Spectrum Holobyte под ДОС и виндоус 95\98 ? Хотите поиграть, вспомнить ? Эта версия упакована в нормальный установщик, и для совместимости с ХР по звуку запускается из под ДОС бокса. При желании можно поиграть в EGA режиме (для особо ностальгирующих).
Размер: 2.19 Мб

Ответов(10 - 17)

Группа: Пользователи

Сообщений: 210
Пакет игрушек от всеми известной компании Reflexive.

Full images:
user posted image user posted image

user posted image user posted image

user posted image

[more]- Alien Stars
- Aquabble Quest
- Atlantis Adventure
- Babel Deluxe
- Brickshooter Egypt
- Chuzzle Deluxe
- Clash N Slash Worlds Away
- Cosmic Stacker
- Diner Dash 2
- Hyperballoid
- Mahjong Escape
- Mahjong Match
- Mystic Inn
- Roller Rush
- Temple of Bricks
- Tropix
- Zodiac
- Zoo Vet[/more]
Download: 291.7 MB

пароль приватом

Группа: Пользователи

Сообщений: 210
Подборка из 20 всеми любимых игрушек от PopCap Games!

Full images:

Alchemy Deluxe
AstroPop Deluxe
Atomica Deluxe
Bejeweled Deluxe
Bejeweled 2 Deluxe
Big Money Deluxe
Bookworm Deluxe
Chuzzle Deluxe
Dynomite Deluxe
Heavy Weapon Deluxe
Insaniquarium Deluxe
Mummy Maze Deluxe
NingPo MahJong Deluxe
Noah's Ark Deluxe
Pixelus Deluxe
Rocket Mania Deluxe
Seven Seas Deluxe
TipTop Deluxe
Typer Shark Deluxe
Zuma Deluxe[/more]
Запускаем AIOPCG.exe, выбираем Игру, жмем Install, не запускаем игру, в первую очередь устанавливаем кряк. Удачи!

99.8 MB

пароль приватом

Группа: Пользователи

Сообщений: 210
Avatar´s Alawar, Puzzle&Logic Games Collection AIO(ISO) | 421 MB

This Compilation consists of 18 Puzzle&Logic games downloadable on Alawar.com, I have prepatched all games, so just install and let go:
» Нажмите, для открытия спойлера «


Группа: Пользователи

Сообщений: 210
19 - Games from Reflexive Arcade Seek and Find, all in one. Enjoy music from game Secrets of Great

Art which is included in this disk. Take pleasure in this game AIO.

Type: ISO Size: 849MB
» Нажмите, для открытия спойлера «

Download: 849 MB



Rar pass: спросить в привате

Credits to vertigo173 and yashar!



part1  http://softoroom.org/depositfiles/1237088
part2  http://softoroom.org/depositfiles/1237092
part3  http://softoroom.org/depositfiles/1237099
part4  http://softoroom.org/depositfiles/1237097
part5  http://softoroom.org/depositfiles/1237101
part6  http://softoroom.org/depositfiles/1237113
part7  http://softoroom.org/depositfiles/1237126
part8  http://softoroom.org/depositfiles/1237120
part9  http://softoroom.org/depositfiles/1237125
Reflexive_Arcade_.sfv   http://softoroom.org/depositfiles/1237127

Part 1: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=C65ADRFO
Part 2: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5EDMP5TG
Part 3: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=161CZLTY
Part 4: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RGI5QIHH
Part 5: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5NZLTMG4
Part 6: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1CXNQP0M
Part 7: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JUBFRB05
Part 8: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BKIW51YC
Part 9: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=G1G4EBP5

Группа: Пользователи

Сообщений: 210
Live Game CD by vo0 [No Install!] [AIO]by vo0

This cd includes 4 games for the hardcore gamer!
The best about this is, that you can play it right from the CD!
So No Install!


The Gamers Are:

- Counter-Strike 1.6 [The best Online FPS! All the pro's play it!][online playable]

- Starcraft Broodwar [A RTS game+expansion that is still played by the pro's!]

- Halo [A Online FPS with a really good gameplay!][online playable]

- Warcraft III [The best RTS game! All the pro's play it!]


It's an autorun CD with menu and there is for each game a video!



Download: 694 MB

part1  http://softoroom.org/depositfiles/1278219
part2  http://softoroom.org/depositfiles/1278212
part3  http://softoroom.org/depositfiles/1278225
part4  http://softoroom.org/depositfiles/1278275
part5  http://softoroom.org/depositfiles/1278307
part6  http://softoroom.org/depositfiles/1278352
part7  http://softoroom.org/depositfiles/1278256
Live_Game_CD_by_vo0.sfv  http://softoroom.org/depositfiles/1278236

Mirror Depositfiles  
Part 1 http://softoroom.org/depositfiles/1278417
Part 2 http://softoroom.org/depositfiles/1278426
Part 3 http://softoroom.org/depositfiles/1278531
Part 4 http://softoroom.org/depositfiles/1278573
Part 5 http://softoroom.org/depositfiles/1278691
Part 6 http://softoroom.org/depositfiles/1278735
Part 7  http://softoroom.org/depositfiles/1278696

Rar pass: в приват

Группа: Пользователи

Сообщений: 210
Lemmings game collection AIO | 518 MB

We start off with the original Lemmings. A puzzle game that is very cool, original, refreshing, and interesting in every way! The concept is very cute: on each level, your task is to save as many lemmings as possible. Lemmings are small creatures with green hair that wobbles back and forth while they walk. You can accomplish various missions by giving your lemmings some special abilities. For example, you can provide them with umbrellas, make them dig, climb, build stairs, explode ... you practically control their existence. Each level consists of an entry point from which they fall out at a certain rate, and an exit point which they have to reach. The missions are very diverse and can be solved in many different ways.
Levels are also very different in size, layout and texture. If you fail a mission, you can start over as many times as you like. You are always given a percentage of lemmings that you have to rescue in order to advance to the next level. When you manage to do this, you'll get a password that you can use for accessing that level directly when restarting the game. This game will provide fun and pleasure for both kids and adults. Wonderful
gameplay and originality, excellent graphics, and great sound!

They're back in red, and entering the ultimate christmas adventure. The Holiday Lemmings are a collection of special versions of Lemmings released as a demonstration for the original Lemmings and Oh no! More Lemmings games.
Oh No! More Lemmings! This is the sequel to the famous Lemmings, and it adds even more fun to the world of Lemmings. There are now five new difficulties to play, from the easiest Tame to the more difficult Havoc. There are new graphics (it?s still using the old Lemmings-engine, so the graphics are not better, just new themes) and new fancy melodies (not any technically improvements here either) to listen to when you guide your
lemmings-friends into freedom
Lemmings 2 - The Tribes. If you have never played lemmings before it will at first be pretty confusing. Even seasoned lemmings players found this new installment confusing at first. There are many new lemming ''breeds'' such as sand pourer's and jet packers. However you won't be disappointed as many of the old lemming ''breeds'' are included as well! Bashers have returned and just like before these little lemmings smash their way through
walls, while stompers smash through floors. The graphics are very bright and colorful and the game is very playable. At the end of each level you
will be greeted with a podium and depending on how many lemmings you saved you will stand on place 1, 2 or 3. The actual lemmings gameplay can be described as purely addictive puzzle fun.

Suitable for Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP


6 x 86MB + 1 x 84MB

Группа: Пользователи

Сообщений: 210
Introversion Games 2-in-1
by: vertigo173
Type: ISO
Size: 198 MB


http://img409.этот инет-ресурс не работает на софторуме./img409/5295/ig2in11hr6.jpg
http://img145.этот инет-ресурс не работает на софторуме./img145/7005/ig2in12gm7.jpg
http://img236.этот инет-ресурс не работает на софторуме./img236/3839/ig2in13yj0.jpg


The world of Darwinia is a virtual themepark, running entirely inside a computer network and populated by a sentient evolving life form called the Darwinians. Unfortunately Darwinia has been overrun by a computer virus which has multiplied out of control. Your task is to destroy the Viral Infection and save the Darwinians from extinction.

More Info:



High tech computer crime and industrial espionage on the Internet of 2010.

You play an Uplink Agent who makes a living by performing jobs for major corporations. Your tasks involve hacking into rival computer systems, stealing research data, sabotaging other companies, laundering money, erasing evidence, or framing innocent people.

You use the money you earn to upgrade your computer systems, and to buy new software and tools. As your experience level increases you find more dangerous and profitable missions become available. You can speculate on a fully working stock market (and even influence its outcome). You can modify peoples academic or criminal records. You can divert money from bank transfers into your own accounts. You can even take part in the construction of the most deadly computer virus ever designed.

More Info:



Darwinia 1.5.11 patch
Darwinia video
Darwinia change log
Darwinia Manual

Uplink [version 1.54]
Uplink change log

DirectX 9.0c (August 2007)

No serial or cracks needed for install. Install and play!



1. Mount or burn the ISO file to CD using Alcohol 120% or similar.
2. Install the games.
3. Have fun!

If you like the games, buy them!


Thanks & Enjoy!
- vertigo173

Download: 193 MB

Rar pass/Пароль на архив: в приват





Группа: Пользователи

Сообщений: 210
Как всегда нас радует своими сборниками с играми txfirebug. На этот раз игровые автоматы. Скриншот ниже...

As always us pleases with the collections with games txfirebug. This time slot machines. A screenshot more low...

Slot Machine AIO by txfirebug

83 MB

Rar pass/Пароль на архив: www.Чужое не трогать!

Чтобы Скачать с Rapidshare !
Кликаем по ссылке, далее еще раз внизу страницы на кнопу "Free", переходим на страницу с картинкой на которой отображены символы.
Вводим эти символы в поле и кликаем "Download".

Credits to txfirebug and yashar!









A collectors of slot machines games AIO By Txfirebug

Big Top Slots - More fun than a day at the circus, with more to offer that just cotton candy and peanuts
Bingo Bonus Slots - is a 5-wheel slot with a really fantastic bonus game. Fun for everybody especially for those of you that love playing bingo.
Cherry Bandit Slots - is a 9-wheel slot with tons of fun bonuses and fantastic graphics to keep you entertained for hours.
Cops & Robbers - Crime doesn't pay but this game sure will.
Crazy Melons - A virtual picnic without the ants.
Dino Slots - Travel back to prehistoric days and win money
Dragon Doubler - Get the Dragon on any winning payline and double you winnings..
Magical Gardens
Goldmine Slots - Ready to venture into a cave and dig for gold and riches.
Icy Cash - Cool down this summer and win cold hard cash.
The Lost Tomb - Travel back in time to unlock secret doors that unveil great treasures.
Medieval Slots - Venture back to a time when wizards and knights ruled the land.
Musical Slots - Rock and Roll your way to winning cash.
Petshop Slots - Just look at all the cute kittens and puppies.
Rocket Doubler - An awesome three wheel slot game played in space.
Shooting Star - Blast off to space and play cool slots on top of the moon at zero gravity.
2x Spicy Slots - Hot, Spicy and a ton of fun.
Sports Slots - Love sports but just can't leave your chair, now you don't have to.
Tropical Fruit - Enjoy a beautiful tropical setting while playing slots.
Under the Sea - Drop to the depths of the ocean and enjoy the tropical scenery.
Wild Volcano - Don't be afraid of this volcano, when it erupts cash flows not hot lava.



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