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WPanorama 9.7.1, Просмоторщик панорамных изображений.
Дата обновления: 02.01.2012 - 00:56, перейти к новому сообщению

Группа: Администраторы

Сообщений: 8.232
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WPanorama 7.0.1 Free
Просмоторщик панорамных изображений.

With WPanorama you can display panoramic pictures by letting them scroll horizontally or vertically on the screen. You can use this software to view the gorgeous 360° swiss panorama included with the program, the 509 panoramas available on this site or your own pictures in .jpg or .bmp format.
Both modules include many features, such as:
- 360° continuous scrolling
- Back and forth scrolling for non 360° pictures
- Automatic detection of 360° panoramas
- Horizontal and vertical scrolling
- Multi-monitor systems support (the scrolling panoramas can span over
several monitors)
- Mini slide show (one sample of it included in the package)

WPanorama - программа для просмотра панорамных изображений. Программа сама определяет картинку с обзором в 360 градусов и автоматически её прокручивает влево, вправо по зацикленному кругу. При просмотре возможно добавить музыкальное сопровождение, регулировать скорость, наложить эффект "зеркала", установить время. Весь просмотр записывается в видеофайл, правда, без сжатия. Кроме оконного режима, есть и полноэкранный режим просмотра с возможностью регулировки разрешения. Поддерживаются мульти-мониторные системы. Из панорамных картинок можно сделать свои скринсейверы. Такой Хранитель экрана автоматически или через заданное время меняет панорамы из составленного списка файлов. Дополнительные картинки можно скачать с сайта разработчика. В новой версии появилась возможность добавления экранных надписей на панорамные снимки, исправлены ошибки.

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http://www.wpanorama..../wpanorama.zip ~ 3.5 Мб

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Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 8.030
WPanorama 8.3.3

Current version: 8.3.3 (latest software update on January 1st, 2008)

Version 8.3.3

WPanorama.exe (build 1341):

- The "Image info" panel now shows the size of the file and the image
dimensions are shown with thousand separators if it applies.

WPanorama.scr (build 1175):
- When some pictures are selected in the "Image list" panel, it is
now possible to remove them from the list by pressing the key.
It is also possible to add one or several pictures by pressing the
- In the "Image list" panel, it is now possible to see the number of the
current image as a hint when the mouse is moved over the "Current img."
button. When one or several images are selected, the number of the
image which will become current after the button action is also
displayed if it is different from the one of the current image.
- In the "Image list" panel, the "Current img." button text is black if
its action will change the current image and blue otherwise.
If the button is clicked when there is no current image change, the
shifted image list appears immediately. In the previous versions, it
could take some time when there were many panoramas.

Whats new?

Size: ~ 3.45 MB


Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 8.030
WPanorama 8.3.4

WPanorama.exe (build 1342):
- When the panorama is displayed in full screen, if the control panel
is not visible, it is possible, thanks to the key, to display the
- In the panorama show, when the "Random" option is different from "Yes",
it is possible, by pressing the

key, to show the number of the
current panorama and the number of panoramas in the list .
- In the panorama show, the time the increment value remains displayed
has been brought from 1.5 to 3 seconds.
- In order to ensure a better consistancy between WPanorama various
operating modes, the scrolling direction inversion is now done with
the key instead of the key.

- In the previous versions, the keyboard was sometimes not active before
clicking in the panorama in the panorama show. This shouldn't happen
- In the panorama show, when the displayed increment value disappeared,
a black rectangle was still visible until the next frame was displayed.
This malfunction, only visible for high timer values (in the slideshows
for instance), doesn't exist anymore in this version.

WPanorama.scr (build 1176):
- When the "Random" option of the "Image list" panel is different from
"Yes" it is now possible to to show the number of the current panorama
and the number of panoramas in the list by pressing the


Size: ~ 3.46 MB


Группа: Наши Люди

Сообщений: 2.811
WPanorama 8.4.1

Твой софтовый форумCкачать ~ 3.5 Mb

Группа: Наши Люди

Сообщений: 2.811
WPanorama 9.0.1

Твой софтовый форумcкачать ~ 3.6 Mb

Группа: Пользователи

Сообщений: 18
WPanorama v9.2.2.e11360s1183 Beta
Цитата | Quote
- It is now possible to display the "About" panel and the "Image info" panel when the "Complete image" window is displayed, thanks to the "A" and "N" keys.
- In the previous versions, if WPanorama was running when closing the session or at Windows shutdown, some error messages were displayed. It is not the case anymore.
WPanorama.scr (build 1183):
- No change.

Группа: Пользователи

Сообщений: 18
WPanorama v9.2.2.e11362s1183 Beta
Цитата | Quote
WPanorama.exe (build 1362):
- In the previous versions, if WPanorama was running when closing the session or at Windows shutdown, some error messages were displayed. It is not the case anymore.
- In the previous versions, if Windows region parameters were set so that the decimal separator was not a ".", the "Location on the map" function showed a wrong location. This version corrects this issue.

WPanorama.scr (build 1183):
- No change.

Группа: Заблокированные

Сообщений: 1.025
WPanorama 9.2.2

лицензия: Free
Язык: English
Размер: 3.62 Мб

Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 8.030
WPanorama Beta

What's New in version Beta:

Added the possibility to display WPanorama window without border, which allows to capture multiple images or videos of the highest possible size. The "No borders" option can be found in the "Config. - Advanced options" pull down menu.
Unlike in the previous versions, it is now possible to load from WPanorama a panorama show containing only one panorama (it was already possible to do it by dragging the ".wsl" icon onto WPanorama or by double-clicking on this icon).
If the GPS coordinates for a panorama are obtained from both the wpa configuration file and the image file exif data, "(wpa + exif)" is displayed in the "Image info" panel instead of just "(wpa)". If the exif values are different from the wpa values, "exif" is displayed in red and moving the mouse over it will show the exif values. In this case, the wpa values are used to show the location on the map.
Added the "..." to the "Config. - Advanced options - Exif coordinates" menu item.
It is no more possible to launch panorama shows containing no panoramas (in the previous versions, this action resulted in the display of the screensaver current panorama).
In the previous versions, if a panorama show contained only one panorama, this panorama kept scrolling forever, even when the "Show - Panorama show options - Run in a loop" option was not checked. This issue has been corrected.

Size: ~ 3.65 MB


Группа: Наши Люди

Сообщений: 12.045

Размер: 4,30 МБ.