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8Signs Firewall v2.3 + key, Для админов и продвинутых пользователей
Дата публикации: 14.01.2006 - 15:33

Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 8.030
8Signs Firewall 2.3 + key

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8Signs Firewall - для администраторов, желающих защитить Windows интернет сервер и для продвинутых пользователей, желающих иметь полную инфу по сети и мощный контроль сетевой безопасности.

8Signs Firewall is a software firewall for administrators wanting to protect a Windows Internet server, and power users who want complete information and control over their network security. With these users in mind, the 8Signs Firewall includes features such as:

Stateful Packet Inspection
Stateful inspection firewalls determine whether packets can get through the firewall based on the protocol, port, and source and destination addresses.

8Signs Firewall allow you to trap hackers, slow down the spread of worms and stall spammers by creating tarpits. A tarpit is a trap for troublesome outsiders. Your system accepts TCP connections but never replies and ignores disconnect requests. This can leave ports scanners and hackers stuck for hours, even days.

Port Scan Detection - Server Only
8Signs Firewall v2.0 detects the seven most common forms of port scans, alerting you with a log entry and optionally automatically banning the IP address of the scanner, ensuring that they are "cut off" before they can discover any useful information about your system.

SYN Flood Detection
A SYN Flood is a common type of denial of service (DoS) attack used against servers. When launching a SYN Flood, an attacker bombards you with so many connection requests that your computer is unable to accept legitimate connections, effectively shutting down your web, email, FTP or VPN server. 8Signs Firewall employs SYN cookies to protect you from SYN Flood attacks.

Remote Administration Server Only
Using the remote administration component of the Server version of 8Signs Firewall v2.x, you can now remotely administer any 8Signs Firewall using an encrypted communications link.

IP Address Ban List
8Signs Firewall lets you block IP addresses or ranges of addresses to prevent unwanted connection attempts.

HTTP Filtering
Using 8Signs Firewall’s HTTP Filtering, you can prevent intrusion attempts targeted at your web server by screening requests and automatically banning the offender’s IP address, preventing further access.

MAC Address Filtering
8Signs Firewall now has the ability to filter traffic based on MAC addresses.

Download(ftp): ftp://candc1.golden....FwSetup230.exe

Key: 4401-6BFC-8UH7-9NUV