Update to scintilla 5.5.3 & Lexilla 5.4.1. (Fix #10528, #15801, #15817, implement #15982)
Enhance performance of syntax highlighting for large files. (Fix #15952)
Make “Show close/pin button on each inactive tab” optional. (Fix #15912, #16035)
Add ShortcutMapper Multilingual ability, allowing the use of specific keys for non-en-US keyboards. (Fix #14395, #15966, #16071)
Fix vertical tab crashes when enabling/disabling the pin tab feature. (Fix #16033)
Fix crash when passing an invalid buffer with NPPM_SETUNTITLEDNAME. (Fix #15970)
Fix floating panels position resetting regression in multi-monitor configurations. (Fix #15498, #16077)
Fix incorrect “Replace all” behavior during the second replace in selection. (Fix #14897, #14624, #15992)
Fix backup file renaming bug for untitled tabs. (Fix #16043)
Enhance UX in “Find in file” action when the Directory field is empty. (Fix #16051)
Make the current line/position copyable in the Go to Line dialog. (Fix #15950)
GUI enhancement: hide right menu shortcuts on the fly. (Implement #16065)
Minor enhancements for JavaScript, CSS & HTML. (Fix #15821, #15825, #16036)
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