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Mono, C#
Дата обновления: 08.01.2011 - 10:40, перейти к новому сообщению

Группа: Наши Люди

Сообщений: 11.935
ph34r.gif Mono 2.4

Твой софтовый форумMono — проект по созданию полноценного воплощения системы .NET на базе свободного программного обеспечения. Проект Mono возглавляет Мигель де Иказа, известный разработчик, участник проекта GNOME и др.

Mono включает компилятор языка C# — mcs, среду исполнения .NET — mono (с поддержкой JIT) и mint (без поддержки JIT), отладчик, а также ряд библиотек, включая реализацию ADO.NET и ASP.NET. В рамках проекта также разрабатываются привязки для графической системы GTK+ на платформу .NET.

Среда исполнения mono может исполнять модули, написанные на языках C#, Visual Basic .NET, Java, Boo, Nemerle, Python, JavaScript, PHP и Object Pascal (при наличии компилятора в среду .Net/Mono). Ожидается также поддержка языков C, Ada 2005 и Eiffel.

Принятая в проекте лицензия на компилятор и другие программы — GNU GPL. Лицензия на среду исполнения и другие библиотеки — GNU LGPL. Лицензия на библиотеки классов — X11 License. Патенты на C#/CLI принадлежат Microsoft, и ведутся споры насчёт допустимости риска ради использования Mono.

Реализации Mono существуют для следующих операционных систем: GNU/Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows и Unix.

Спонсор проекта Mono — фирма Novell.
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии

Downloads (~23,8 Mb)_http://go-mono.com/so...no-2.4.tar.bz2

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Группа: Наши Люди

Сообщений: 11.935
ph34r.gif Mono 2.4.2

Кроме исправления около 150 ошибок, в Mono 2.4.2 интегрирована поддержка ASP.NET MVC стека для быстрой разработки web-приложений на ASP.NET. Код ASP.NET MVC был открыт компанией Microsoft под лицензией MS-PL в начале апреля.

Downloads (~23,7 Mb)_http://ftp.novell.com...-2.4.2.tar.bz2

Группа: Наши Люди

Сообщений: 11.935
ph34r.gif mono

Mono is a security fix release for Mono 2.4, which is the foundation for Novell's own long-term support Mono-based product.

Downloads (~23,7 Mb)_http://ftp.novell.com....4.2.2.tar.bz2

Группа: Наши Люди

Сообщений: 11.935
ph34r.gif mono 2.4.3

Bugs fixed since Mono 2.4
312968 - HttpWebRequest can not handle WWW-Authenticate with POST
321718 - ORACLE: Reading Unicode characters from the database is throwing a LOB form mismatch error
321949 - gmcs assumes bad home directory for user 0 (often root, but sometimes not)
322330 - {Regression} FileSystemWatcher events have incorrect information
322695 - When passed double-byte characters as OracleParameter's value, ExecuteNonQuery throw Exception
322934 - StructLayout for DateTime passed to managed code
322974 - DataGrid: insert row difference
323051 - DataGrid: Row selection difference
323052 - DataGrid: multi-row selection not possible using mouse
323111 - DataGrid: Unexpected column in DataGrid with DataGridColumnStyle
323452 - WebRequest exceptions don't match MS
324182 - Stream from HttpWebResponse cannot timeout
332875 - Exception with ReadXmlSchema
357642 - X11 Clipboard: DataObject.GetData(...) fails for custom data formats
381151 - DataAdapter returns 0 rows after an SQL timeout occured
385028 - DbCommandBuilder InsertCommand doesn't use default values
385029 - Multple errors using Mysql Connector and DbCommandBuilder
392875 - SmtpClient doesn't escape dots
393775 - SaveFileDialog + richtextbox
402158 - DragDrop event is not fired on form
421827 - {PATCH} CookieContainer.GetCookie skips cookie when domain has no leading dot
424908 - Oracle - stored procedure returning string throws exception - Size must be set
427769 - Typed datasets binary serialization error
448296 - DataTable.Rows.Clear does not raise DataTable.TableClear{ing,ed}
458607 - DomainUpDown: text could be edit in a ReadOnly DomainUpDown control
464191 - TreeView / TreeNode selection isn't cancelled properly
464765 - Inconsistencie in certmgr arguments handeling
465019 - DataGrid: Crash when adding a ColumnStyle and DataSource doesn't contain mapped column
465021 - DataGrid: Adding a column to DataSource after setting DataSource doesn't add it.
465613 - HttpWebRequest.BeginGetRequestStream throws ProtocolViolationException
465696 - StaticSiteMapProvider complains about multiple nodes with the same URL 'index.aspx'
467418 - ListView in VirtualMode uses too much memory and is slow
469217 - Pointers can not reference marshaled structures.
469967 - Mono deletes chars in a TextBox with enabled AutoCompletion
470451 - null reference in TreeView/MouseMoveHandler
471094 - TreeView with empty ImageList is unstable
471257 - Inconsistent Reflection behavior with custom Binder on Mono versus .NET
471782 - NRE in WebConnectionStream.Close()
473660 - Disabled button images don't look the same as .NET (grayscale / greyed out)
473725 - MessageBox.Show() makes no sound
474889 - PrintPreviewDialog toolbar overlaps the PrintPreviewControl control
475581 - The item text is not displaying fully in a checkedlistview/listbox when the horizontal and Vertical scrollbars are enabled
477655 - ContextMenu: menu items couldn't be navigated by keyboard
478498 - ListView: EnsureVisible() doesn't work correctly
478555 - ColorDialog doesn't show help button when it with ";ShowHelp = True";
478689 - ListView control with ListViewGroups doesn't work correctly
479397 - ContextMenuStrip: ToolStripMenuItem is missing ";focused"; state when using AtkSelection.
481559 - uninitialized local causes failed assertion in mono_local_regalloc
482181 - ClassifiedsStarterKit acts like you're logged in, even though you're not ( sections ignored)
483146 - ToolStripDropDown does not size properly
483985 - Wrong behavior of generic SortedList compared to .Net behavior
484795 - {PATCH}WebClient.UploadValues using UTF-8 encoding and ";POST"; method do not upload accented characters properly
485769 - Remove element of a ToolStrip
489339 - ComboBox popup suggestion box does not appear on linux
489393 - Clipboard not working
489625 - System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox.SelectedText
490937 - TabControl.TabPages.Clear() raise exception when TabControl.SelectedTab != null
491978 - ListView: behavior when using Groups isn't consistent with Windows
492549 - {PATCH} DataGridView: Clearing columns and re-adding when when CurrentCell is set throws Exception. .NET difference
492815 - ContextMenuStrip Work incorrectly
493308 - MaxDropDownItems property of a DropDown is ignored
494031 - DataGridView: combo box list items are not updated
495957 - bundled machine.config files no longer work
497175 - Exceptions thrown in a method that is invoked via Control.Invoke are not propagated to the caller
499851 - Need notification for UIA when a PopupButton gains focus
499887 - TabControl.GotFocus event not fired when SelectionIndex is set
500213 - {PATCH} Setting ScrollableControl.HScroll property when AutoScroll is true displays different behavior to .NET
500917 - crash on DateTimePicker.Paint event with DateTimePicker.Value.Year >= 9990
501276 - {PATCH} implement multi byte input support for winforms
502029 - DateTimePicker: some children are not accessible by orca
502567 - NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an obj ect at System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode.set_Checked (Boolean value) {0x00066}
503064 - (Open/Save) FileDialog size grows upon sequential show
503174 - Can not paste or insert RTF text to a RichTextBox control.
503435 - BinaryFormatter.Deserialize attempts to set stream Position (causes exception with BZip2InputStream)
503469 - e.Handled ignored
503663 - Default accelerator keys do not work correctly for ToolStripMenuItems of ToolStrips
503935 - Certain keystrokes sent to a MessageBox will crash the application
506796 - bug with DataGridViewBand.DefaultHeaderCellType
506838 - DataGridView does not associate with DataTable correctly when databound
507120 - GetListItemType throws NullReferenceException when dataSource's type is DataViewManager
507459 - ToolStripComboBox does not conside Handled
507462 - Labels on tool strip are aligned at the bottom. All other controlls are center aligned.
507663 - DbDataAdapter/DbCommandBuilder and MySql not working together on Mono
508027 - HttpWebRequest.BeginGetResponseStream throws ProtocolViolationException
508487 - Segmentation fault when pedump --verify all on an assembly generated by smcs
508541 - ComboBox useless vertical scrollbar + ComboBoxStyle.Simple issues
508586 - On disposing components (Tooltip, MainMenu etc) from Form the components collection should be cleared too
509142 - Keyboard navigation problems in PrintPreviewDialog
509152 - Down arrow does not show the zoom menu on the PrintPreviewDialog
509199 - Clipboard.SetDataObject doesn't handle objects that implement System.Windows.Forms.IDataObject correctly. .NET difference
509299 - Zoom menu stays open when Alt+F4 is pressed to close the PrintPreviewDialog
509406 - still a problem with System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.get_trace at web compilation
509472 - {PATCH} Splitter works wrong
509985 - Pressing buttons with the keyboard does not work as expected with ToolBarButtons
510030 - ToolBarButton with DropDownButton style stays impressed after being clicked
510176 - Problem with DataView events not being thrown, elements not being added after RejectChanges, etc
510642 - HttpWebRequest: No ProtoviolationException when writing beyond specified content-length
510661 - HttpWebRequest: IOException not wrapped in WebException when request stream cannot be closed
510728 - Difference in behavior of DataObject.SetData(object) compard to .NET
510852 - FtpWebRequest crashes with out of range exception
511247 - Adding a lot of items to a ToolStripComboBox using AddRange is SLOW
511267 - RichTextBox Modified property not automatically set when text changes
511515 - RichTextBox SaveToFile doesn't save linebreaks always as CRLF in Windows
511849 - {PATCH} Retrieving DataObjects placed onto Clipboard doesn't preserve custom formats, when Text/String format is also placed on Clipboard .NET difference
511851 - HttpWebRequest.Begin* methods do not throw a WebException if abort has been called.
511882 - ContentPanel in not working <br />512115 - ForeColor for selected listbox item in ownerdraw mode should be set to highlighted text <br />512521 - Deleting colorized RichTextBox line throws an exception <br />512807 - DataGridView poor performance for moderate number of records (1000) makes it unusable <br />512816 - DataGridView horizontal scrolling not working with keyboard <br />513000 - Response.Cache.SetMaxAge(TimeSpan.Zero) should be allowed <br />513029 - HorizontalScrollbar for ListBox should show only if needed <br />513030 - Copy and Paste in RichTextBox leads to unreadable overwritten text <br />513087 - WebRequest has problems with non-standard methods <br />513849 - HttpListener does not release the specified port by listener prefixes. <br />513931 - Debug builds of assemblies compiled with .net don't run properly with Mono JIT <br />514096 - CS0677 error on volatile IntPtr <br />514368 - Not default font make Tabpage header text truncated <br />514506 - IronPython 2.6 Beta 1 crashes at shutdown after zope.interface is imported <br />514591 - HttpWebRequest.Abort on a non-responsive asynchronous HttpWebRequest, leaves the TCP socket open. <br />514996 - HttpWebRequest: Connection not closed on error in WebConnectionStream.Close <br />515030 - mdoc will crash if an enumeration contains two members with the same value <br />516455 - System.Net.Mail error on alternativeviews mono 2.4 <br />516735 - Application.DoEvents does not call Application.FilterMessage like Application.Run does <br />517166 - Generics sharing causes application to crash <br />517656 - HTML comment in ASPX file causes ";Literal content not allowed for System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItemCollection"; Exception <br />519336 - Generic sharing causes cctor on parent class to be called only once for multiple generic instances <br />519944 - {PATCH} ToolStripItemCollection Find method always throws exception <br />520397 - App_LocalResources is being ignored <br />520650 - Process.Start inherits environment even when EnvironmentVariables.Clear has been used <br />520690 - using Reflection to Invoke methods with out params throws 'MissingMethodExp 2'. .NET difference <br />520760 - HashSet<T> implementation of ICollection<T>.Add method throws exception when item already in HashSet <br />520764 - calling RadioButton.Select isn't setting Checked Property to true .NET difference. <br />521231 - System.Configuration skips xml nodes when reading two ConfigurationElementCollections in a row. <br />521387 - SplitContainer don't want to be resized <br />521662 - invalid opcode generated for x86 SSE intruction PMINSW <br />521671 - Ungraceful handling of invalid types in catch statment <br />521692 - some function in Mono.Simd.ArrayExtensions class are ignoring offset parameter <br />521718 - System.Drawing.Graphics.CopyFromScreenX11 <br />521750 - SortedList: IComparer.Compare arguments are reversed <br />521924 - Path.GetFullPath trims white spaces before files and directories names on Windows <br />521951 - Assigning DataTables to ComboBox DataSources causes cast execption <br />522017 - XSP2: Modifying the web.config causes ThreadAbortExceptions <br />522454 - PropertyGrid: PerformClick on ToolBarButtons doesn't work <br />522465 - Inserting Double.MaxValue or Double.MinValues throws and overflow exception <br />522624 - SQL Data Adapter issues with NULL columns <br />522789 - Invalid IL generated for anonymous generic function <br />523052 - Process PerformanceCounters broken <br />523386 - Key not found exception when looking up for an action method <br />523418 - GZipStream used as Filter for HttpResponse produces invalid gzip <br />523687 - Aes.Create() returns null <br />524049 - HttpWebRequest and StreamWriter ArgumentException when ContentLength set to 0 <br />524460 - CacheDuration is not used on WebMethodAttribute <br />524984 - ASMX web service proxy call causes delay/failure to return to shell (Mono <br />525002 - Treeview behaviour different from .NET <br />525305 - nm-applet fails to grant root access, policykit authorisation <br />525743 - Disabling ValidateRequest has no effect <br />526069 - WebClient.DownloadData / HttpWebRequest.CheckFinalStatus generates incorrect WebException on HTTP error status <br />526297 - System.Web.Mvc.HandleErrorAttribute not working due to System.Web.HttpResponseWrapper.TrySkipIisCustomErrors being not implemented <br />526563 - Precompiling for /foo and running as /foo doesn't work <br />526794 - Inserting empty string saved as null in sql server <br />527177 - missing body encoding in mail <br />527902 - Setting Thread.CurrentUICulture causes memory leak <br />528055 - Obfuscation of field names of anonymous types causes System.MissingFieldException <br />528887 - DataGridView hangs on large number of rows (about 500 and more) <br />529353 - XSP crashes when accessing 'Message Layout' for WebService <br />529927 - TreeNodeCollection.Contains() appears to be broken <br />531515 - menu Strip Font inherit <br />531587 - richTextBox1.ResetText(); doesn't work <br />531983 - Application crashes when i do undoing data in text boxes. <br />532180 - System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase not implemented in v2.4.2.3 <br />533166 - No @webservice directive found for precompiled webservice accessed from client proxy. <br />533430 - DataGridView: CellMouseDoubleClick event not fired on a double clicking <br />533435 - DataGridView poor performance when setting dataGridView.Columns{}.AutoSizeMode <br />533893 - Process.GetCurrentProcess().Modules crashes on Mac OS X Snow Leopard (10.6) <br />535102 - Timeout in HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() due to use of method HEAD <br />535425 - Slow performance of <string>.Contains(), <string>.BeginsWith etc. Compared to MS'.NET runtime <br />535655 - ProfileCommon class fails to generate when Profile Properties <br />535701 - ASP.NET ListView incorrect calculate TotalRowCount, while create child controls <br />535884 - Textbox fails to update text when it has string created from ASCIIEncoding().GetString <br />535889 - Unable to access output parameter of stored procedure <br />536036 - {PATCH} segfault / stack corruption when embedding a Winforms ToolStrip inside a UserControl <br />536138 - Local Resource object not found for precompiled web sites <br />536143 - Global resources objects do not appear in web pages using explicit localization with precompiled sites <br />536194 - Inifite loop in DataSet.Merge() with itself <br />536364 - Compiler fails on reference to public static string Btn:Reset <br />536547 - DataGridView shows nonexistent columns, Binding Navigator does not worl <br />536757 - ResourceProviderFactory CreateLocalResourceProvider method called with wrong parameter <br />536776 - Mono crashes when creating too many threads or running too many processes <br />537089 - Request.Url incorrect in MVC <br />537131 - DesignSurface View property throws exception <br />537229 - Serialization Problem with DataTable with special caracters columns <br />537283 - Mono applications fail to access network through local squid proxy <br />537604 - DragDrop on DesignSurface doesn't seem to work <br />537751 - System.Web.Routing: it should not try to parse null or empty string <br />537921 - NullReferenceException in System.Timers.Timer.StartTimer() <br />538013 - System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping does not time out correctly <br />538037 - ISelectionService only available after IDesignerHost.CreateComponent <br />538336 - PropertyGrid unusable when embedded in a MDI child window <br />538929 - DesignSurface.Flush() thows exception <br />539229 - {PATCH} CryptoStream.Read throws IndexOutOfRangeException for some cases <br />539394 - mod_mono web app hangs when a cross-appdomain call results in a ThreadAbortException <br />539550 - native crash when handling exceptions on amd64 <br />539791 - DirectoryInfo.GetFileSystemInfos() Doesnt throw an exception if pointing to a file <br />540593 - System.Console.CapsLock throws exception when accessed <br />541194 - mono_image_close causes sigsegv on some multi-core systems <br />541271 - Src attribute empty for image element using skinid for precompiled site <br />541402 - DesignSurface exception when setting the Font property of the surrounding Form <br />541577 - Function return inconsistent ulong value, which has dummy parameter of a Class and a ulong (re-occurrence of Bug 426264) <br />541607 - securitytrimmingenabled not expected for xmlsitemapprovider <br />541969 - {Regression} Problems with SiteMap virtual path mapping <br />542076 - 'No data item' error for formview dropdownlist databind during page onload event <br />542441 - asp:UpdatePanel - problem (throw System.Web.HttpUnhandledException) <br />542461 - Assembly signing configuration properties inconsistent with MSBuild <br />542481 - Extended TreeView control has some rendering issues <br />542484 - Mono uses ResourceProviderFactory different way than .NET <br />542533 - AJAX asp:UpdatePanel's do not work, if one of it is situated in container with Visible=false <br />542582 - Postback fails if ValidatorOnSubmit() not defined <br />542846 - System.Web.HttpResponse.Redirect doesn't use useFullyQualifiedRedirectUrl setting <br />542959 - Incorrect IL generated when creating a delegate <br />543133 - P/Invoke fails for out StringBuilder parameter, wrapping .dll with unicode string <br />543207 - Garbage collection breaks Oracle client <br />543299 - xbuild needs to handle circular imports <br />543717 - KeyEventArgs.SuppressKeyPress Doesn't Work on TabControl with Arrow Keys <br />543773 - ListView TopItem {set} broken <br />544171 - Maximum value for sessionState timeout doesn't match Microsoft's ASP.NET <br />544357 - Sponsoring an object in another appdomain does not appear to work <br />544446 - Calling a method with generic arguments via remoting does not work <br />544518 - certmgr crash parsing command line <br />544565 - ToolTips not working when ShowAlways is set to false <br />544640 - GetIProperties().GatewayAddresses not implemented for Linux <br />544716 - Last columnheader can't be autosized <br />545276 - ASP.NET shadow copy checks also st_mode field <br />545370 - MojoPortal: useless password recovery mail <br />545429 - Redirected output of spawned process isn't received in parent process <br />545703 - xbuild multi-line build events from vs.net fail <br />545979 - State writer does not support TypeConverters <br />546009 - ComboBox: Set Text property throws exception if using DropDown style and bound to data <br />546053 - Same key already exists in the dictionary error when browsing directly to page in sub-folder for precompiled site <br />546173 - WebColorConvertor ignores named colors <br />547015 - 'Missing Resource' error when running Precompiled Blogengine <br />548417 - Runtime crashes in Assembly.GetTypes() <br />548768 - Regression : No globalization in ASP.NET project <br />549108 - app.config with BOM not read <br />549173 - mono_string_builder_to_utf16() returns unitialized data <br />549492 - Gzip files with extra junk hang ReadZStream <br />549580 - Overridden WebClient.GetWebRequest method isn't called <br />549942 - autoyast module untranslated string ";probe"; <br />550103 - Different meaning of ";~"; in System.Web.HttpContext.RewritePath in 2.4 compared to 2.0 <br />550580 - float expression probably optimized in wrong way <br />550730 - Too many instances of ConfigurationSection <br />550960 - Dataset binary serialization fails if first row contains nulls. <br />550964 - Enum values with ulong/long base type are never equal on x86-32 <br />550970 - Modulo operation gives incorrect results on x86-32 <br />551214 - ComboBox don't show the whole letter, all in down are not drawed <br />551228 - Race conditions despite locks with Mono 2.4 on IA-64 SGI Altix 4700 <br />551513 - System.BadImageFormatException when compiled with mono but not MS Visual Studio <br />551666 - Gridview does not render thead in ASP.NET <br />552457 - MVC not using Views/Web.config <br />553022 - System.Web.Routing.RouteCollection.GetVirtualPath wrongly assumes !requestContext.HttpContext.Request.ApplicationPath.EndsWith(";/";) <br />553063 - System.Web.HttpCookie+CookieNVC is not marked as Serializable <br />553150 - HttpCookieCollection.Add does not allow overwriting existing cookies <br />554324 - {REGRESSION} Can't login BlogEngine on mono-2.4.3<br /><hr style='text-align:left;width:50%'><b>Downloads (~23,9 Mb)</b>_<a href='https://softoroom.org/1ink/org.php?url=hxxp/go-mono.com/sources/mono/mono-2.4.3.tar.bz2' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>http://go-mono.com/so...-2.4.3.tar.bz2</a><br /></div></div><hr /><div class="post2"><a id="entry368315"></a><div class="left"><div class="post_user"><span class="post_date">15.12.2009 - 21:38 |<a href="//m.softoroom.org/index.php?showtopic=54704&view=findpost&p=368315" onclick="link_to_post(368315); return false;">#5</a></span><b><br> ·ЭЖД <br><small><span title="Наши Люди" style="color:blue;font-style:italic;font-weight:bold;">Группа: Наши Люди</span></small></b> <br>Сообщений: 11.935</div></div><div class="postcolor"><div class='divcenter'> <!--emo&:ph34r:--><img src='style_emoticons/default/ph34r.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='ph34r.gif' /><!--endemo--> <b><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:orange'>mono 2.6</span></span></b></div><br />These are some of the major features in this release:<ul><li>WCF client and server, the subset exposed by Silverlight 2.0 </li><li>LLVM support, to improve performance on server/computational loads </li><li>Co-routine framework Mono.Tasklets </li><li>Preview of LINQ to SQL using DbLinq </li><li>New Soft Debugger, integrated with MonoDevelop on Unix and OSX </li><li>Joint release with MonoDevelop 2.2 </li><li>System.IO.Packaging </li><li>csharp shell now supports auto-completion </li><li>xbuild can now build most msbuild projects </li><li>Support for CoreCLR security:<ul><li>Mono debuts a full metadata and IL verifier </li><li>Security system used by Silverlight applications, reusable for other cases.</li></ul></li></ul><hr style='text-align:left;width:50%'><b>Downloads (~26,4 Mb)</b>_<a href='https://softoroom.org/1ink/org.php?url=hxxp/go-mono.com/sources/mono/mono-2.6.tar.bz2' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>http://go-mono.com/so...no-2.6.tar.bz2</a><br /></div></div><hr /><div class="post1"><a id="entry368881"></a><div class="left"><div class="post_user"><span class="post_date">19.12.2009 - 12:17 |<a href="//m.softoroom.org/index.php?showtopic=54704&view=findpost&p=368881" onclick="link_to_post(368881); return false;">#6</a></span><b><br> ·ЭЖД <br><small><span title="Наши Люди" style="color:blue;font-style:italic;font-weight:bold;">Группа: Наши Люди</span></small></b> <br>Сообщений: 11.935</div></div><div class="postcolor"><div class='divcenter'> <!--emo&:ph34r:--><img src='style_emoticons/default/ph34r.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='ph34r.gif' /><!--endemo--> <b><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:orange'>mono 2.6.1</span></span></b></div><br />Specific bug fixes include:<ul><li>r148593 - Fixes the IPY+Chiron test case. </li><li>556884 - Shadow copies of assemblies cannot be overwritten if originating assembly files are read only </li><li>545417 - ListView + DataPager fails while trying to set up custom paging </li><li>565117 - Crash in System.MonoCustomAttrs.IsDefinedInternal </li><li>565127 - GetGenericParameterConstraints fails on methods in dynamic modules </li><li>564379 - [REGRESSION] 2.6/svn gmcs throws CS1501 on overload/explicit implementation resolution </li><li>565602 - string.PadRight(int, char) returns empty string</li></ul><hr style='text-align:left;width:50%'><b>Downloads (~26,4 Mb)</b>_<a href='https://softoroom.org/1ink/org.php?url=hxxp/go-mono.com/sources/mono/mono-2.6.1.tar.bz2' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>http://go-mono.com/so...-2.6.1.tar.bz2</a><br /></div></div><hr /><div class="post2"><a id="entry382062"></a><div class="left"><div class="post_user"><span class="post_date">16.03.2010 - 21:02 |<a href="//m.softoroom.org/index.php?showtopic=54704&view=findpost&p=382062" onclick="link_to_post(382062); return false;">#7</a></span><b><br> ·ЭЖД <br><small><span title="Наши Люди" style="color:blue;font-style:italic;font-weight:bold;">Группа: Наши Люди</span></small></b> <br>Сообщений: 11.935</div></div><div class="postcolor"><div class='divcenter'> <!--emo&:ph34r:--><img src='style_emoticons/default/ph34r.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='ph34r.gif' /><!--endemo--> <b><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:orange'>mono 2.6.3</span></span></b></div><br /><br /><hr style='text-align:left;width:50%'><b>Downloads (~26,5 Mb)</b>_<a href='https://softoroom.org/1ink/org.php?url=hxxp/go-mono.com/sources/mono/mono-2.6.3.tar.bz2' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>http://go-mono.com/so...-2.6.3.tar.bz2</a><br /></div></div><hr /><div class="post1"><a id="entry387947"></a><div class="left"><div class="post_user"><span class="post_date">27.04.2010 - 19:19 |<a href="//m.softoroom.org/index.php?showtopic=54704&view=findpost&p=387947" onclick="link_to_post(387947); return false;">#8</a></span><b><br> ·ЭЖД <br><small><span title="Наши Люди" style="color:blue;font-style:italic;font-weight:bold;">Группа: Наши Люди</span></small></b> <br>Сообщений: 11.935</div></div><div class="postcolor"><div class='divcenter'> <!--emo&:ph34r:--><img src='style_emoticons/default/ph34r.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='ph34r.gif' /><!--endemo--> <b><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:orange'>mono 2.6.4</span></span></b></div><br />These are some of the major features in this release:<br /><br /> * WCF client and server, the subset exposed by Silverlight 2.0<br /> * LLVM support, to improve performance on server/computational loads<br /> * Co-routine framework Mono.Tasklets<br /> * Preview of LINQ to SQL using DbLinq<br /> * New Soft Debugger, integrated with MonoDevelop 2.2<br /> * Joint release with MonoDevelop 2.2.2<br /> * System.IO.Packaging<br /> * csharp shell now supports auto-completion<br /> * xbuild can now build most msbuild projects<br /> * Support for CoreCLR security:<br /> o Mono debuts a full metadata and IL verifier<br /> o Security system used by Silverlight applications, reusable for other cases. <br /><hr style='text-align:left;width:50%'><b>Downloads (~26 Mb)</b>_<a href='https://softoroom.org/1ink/org.php?url=hxxp/ftp.novell.com/pub/mono/sources/mono/mono-2.6.4.tar.bz2' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>http://ftp.novell.com...-2.6.4.tar.bz2</a><br /></div></div><hr /><div class="post2"><a id="entry399003"></a><div class="left"><div class="post_user"><span class="post_date">24.07.2010 - 16:36 |<a href="//m.softoroom.org/index.php?showtopic=54704&view=findpost&p=399003" onclick="link_to_post(399003); return false;">#9</a></span><b><br> ·ЭЖД <br><small><span title="Наши Люди" style="color:blue;font-style:italic;font-weight:bold;">Группа: Наши Люди</span></small></b> <br>Сообщений: 11.935</div></div><div class="postcolor"><div class='divcenter'> <!--emo&:ph34r:--><img src='style_emoticons/default/ph34r.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='ph34r.gif' /><!--endemo--> <b><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:orange'>Mono 2.6.7</span></span></b></div><br />Исправлено 70 ошибок, в состав Mono 2.6.7 включен пакет MVC2, код которого был открыт компанией Microsoft под открытой лицензией MS-PL. Кроме того в Mono 2.6.7 интегрированы последние версии отладчика Soft Debugger, сборочного инструмента xbuild и LINQ-биндинга к SQL. Кроме того, бинарные пакеты со свежими сборками Mono отныне поставляются и для RHEL/CentOS 5 (пакет устанавливает Mono в директорию /opt/novell/mono). <br /><hr style='text-align:left;width:50%'><b>Downloads (~26,6 Mb)</b>_<a href='https://softoroom.org/1ink/org.php?url=hxxp/ftp.novell.com/pub/mono/sources/mono/mono-2.6.7.tar.bz2' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>http://ftp.novell.com...-2.6.7.tar.bz2</a><br /></div></div><hr /><div class="post1"><a id="entry406951"></a><div class="left"><div class="post_user"><span class="post_date">7.10.2010 - 16:59 |<a href="//m.softoroom.org/index.php?showtopic=54704&view=findpost&p=406951" onclick="link_to_post(406951); return false;">#10</a></span><b><br> ·ЭЖД <br><small><span title="Наши Люди" style="color:blue;font-style:italic;font-weight:bold;">Группа: Наши Люди</span></small></b> <br>Сообщений: 11.935</div></div><div class="postcolor"><div class='divcenter'> <!--emo&:ph34r:--><img src='style_emoticons/default/ph34r.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='ph34r.gif' /><!--endemo--> <b><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:orange'>Mono 2.8</span></span></b></div><br /> * Добавлена поддержка четвёртой версии языка программирования C#. Профиль 4.0 используется по умолчанию;<br /> * Добавлен новый сборщик мусора Generational Garbage Collector, поддерживаемый на платформах ARM, x86, x86-64 и s390x.<br /> * Добавлены новые фреймворки, открытые сообществом Mono и компанией Microsoft под лицензиями MIT X11, Apache 2 или MS-PL:<br /> o ASP.NET 4.0;<br /> o Фреймворк параллельных вычислений, включая PLINQ;<br /> o System.XAML;<br /> o System.Dynamic;<br /> o Managed Extensibility Framework;<br /> o ASP.NET MVC 2;<br /> o System.Data.Services.Client (OData client framework);<br /> o WCF Routing;<br /> o .NET 4.0's CodeContracts; <br /> * Значительно улучшена производительность;<br /> * Поддержка сборки с помощью LLVM переведена в разряд стабильной, для запуска сервера приложений можно использовать mono-llvm;<br /> * Добавлена поддержка встраиваемых API 2.0;<br /> * Убран профиль 1.1 и различные библиотеки, которые были объявлены устаревшими в предыдущем релизе;<br /> * Добавлена поддержка OpenBSD;<br /> * Убрана зависимость от библиотеки GLib;<br /> * Стали использоваться исключения ThreadPool из .Net 2.0;<br /> * Стало возможным подключать несколько профилировщиков одновременно. <br /><hr style='text-align:left;width:50%'><b>Downloads (~29,8 Mb)</b>_<a href='https://softoroom.org/1ink/org.php?url=hxxp/ftp.novell.com/pub/mono/sources/mono/mono-2.8.tar.bz2' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>http://ftp.novell.com...no-2.8.tar.bz2</a><br /></div></div><hr /></div><div> <form action="https://m.softoroom.org/index.html?" method="post" name="search"> <input type="hidden" name="forums" value="96" /> <input type="hidden" name="topic" value="54704" /> <input type="hidden" name="act" value="Search" /> <input type="hidden" name="CODE" value="searchtopic" /> <input size="25" aria-label="Search" name="keywords" class="searchinput" value="Введите ключевое слово" onfocus="this.value = '';" />  <input type="submit" value="Искать в теме" class="button" /> </form></div> <div class="pagenav"><div class="left"><div style="margin:15px 0 0 0;text-align:center"> <span style="font-size:20px;font-family:'Fira Sans',sans-serif;" class="pagelink"><a href="https://m.softoroom.org/topic54704s10.html" title="Следующая страница">Вперед ►</a></span><br><br><span class="pagelink"><a title="Перейти на страницу..." href="javascript:multi_page_jump('https://m.softoroom.org/topic54704.html',12,10);">Всего страниц: <b>2</b></a></span> <br><br> <span class="pagecurrent"><b>1</b></span> <span class="pagelink"><a href="https://m.softoroom.org/topic54704s10.html" title="2">2</a></span></div> <!-- ( <a href="https://m.softoroom.org/topic54704.html?view=getnewpost">К первому непрочитанному сообщению</a> ) --></div><br></div><br><div id="userlinks"><p class="left"><a href="https://softoroom.org/topic54704.html?p=325901&"><b>Полная версия</b></a></p> <p><a href="https://softoroom.org/lofiversion/index.php/t54704.html"><b>Lite версия</b></a></p></div><div style='text-align:center'><!--LiveInternet counter--><a href="https://www.liveinternet.ru/click" target="_blank"><img id="licnt8ECA" width="31" height="31" style="border:0" title="LiveInternet" src="" alt=""/></a><script>(function(d,s){d.getElementById("licnt8ECA").src= "https://counter.yadro.ru/hit?t44.1;r"+escape(d.referrer)+ ((typeof(s)=="undefined")?"":";s"+s.width+"*"+s.height+"*"+ (s.colorDepth?s.colorDepth:s.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(d.URL)+ ";h"+escape(d.title.substring(0,150))+";"+Math.random()}) (document,screen)</script><!--/LiveInternet--></div> <script type="text/javascript"> var ipb_var_st = "0"; 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