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Secure Clean PC v2.4, Очистка конфиденциальной информации!
Дата обновления: 21.05.2008 - 16:50, перейти к новому сообщению

Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 8.030
Secure Clean PC v2.2 + Crack

user posted image

Программа, предназначенная для удаления Вашей конфиденциальной информации после работы в Интернете (паролей, кодов, номеров карт и т.д.).

When you work on your computer surfing the Internet, paying your bills online, logging in with passwords, your PC records the information traces of all your actions. For example, the history of all web sites you visited, all the pictures you downloaded, all the pages and text you saw, are recorded by the system. So when you log in next time, you don't need to type the user names and passwords again. The information that you may consider as confidential is kept on your computer unprotected and may be recovered by people with some minimal computer knowledge. In general, this is done for ease of use, but the problem is you compromise with your security by using these features. Possibly, your collaborators or boss would like to access private information at your workplace, that may even affect you when you least suspect it. Somebody can use your computer to make purchases on the Internet with your credit card (remember, your credit card and all the details are stored there and you can be left to bare with unwanted consequences). To solve this problem, you need to clean up your PC to the secure state by removing evidence traces and other garbage that may be used against you. Secure Clean PC program will do this job for you automatically, and also with scheduled operations. Try our Secure Clean PC for free.
Major features:
Built-in smart engine for wipe out;
Built-in scheduler for wipe out;
Easy and intuitive interface.

Download (1,18 Mb): http://www.softfolder...d/scleanpc.zip

Ответов(1 - 3)

Группа: Пользователи

Сообщений: 676
перезалейте крек пож,. спасибо

Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 8.030
QUOTE(e.m.e. @ 8.04.2007 - 10:11)
перезалейте крек пож,. спасибо


Serial: 27701503354780

Или патч в аттаче!
Присоединённый файл  Secure.Clean.PC.v2.2.WinALL_CHiCNCREAM.rar ( 57.57кб ) Кол-во скачиваний: 4

Группа: Наши Люди

Сообщений: 9.491
Secure Clean PC v2.4



Присоединённый файл  Secure.Clean.PC.v2.4_patch.rar ( 70.34кб ) Кол-во скачиваний: 1

apply patch, Insert any Name/Serial for register.