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Screamer Radio 0.4.4 Final + Portable (RUS/2010), Проигрыватель интернет-радио + запись
Дата обновления: 21.11.2010 - 13:57, перейти к новому сообщению

Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 8.030
Screamer Radio 0.3.8 Free

Твой софтовый форум Твой софтовый форум

Удобный в использовании проигрыватель интернет-радио с возможностью записи потока. Поддержка всех известных форматов.

Твой софтовый форум

Твой софтовый форум

There is little reason to listen to commercial FM radio anymore, it is an old medium that provides little choice of music and is saturated with ads. For the last couple of years there has been an alternative, streaming internet radio. An alternative that has been somewhat complicated to use.

Screamer Radio attempts to remedy this problem by bringing most of the required steps into a single, easy to use, freeware program.

Major Features
Simple to handle
Not bloated!
Recording of streams
Minor Features
Unobtrusive (easy to hide)
Cool Peakmeter smile.gif
Can use multiple soundcards
Auto updating presets
Playback Features
Shoutcast and Icecast MP3 Streaming
Icecast OGG Vorbis Streaming
Windows Media Audio Streaming
Recording Features
Recording buffer: start recording in the middle and still save the entire song!
Direct MP3 Audio stream saving, no loss of quality!
Direct OGG Vorbis stream saving, no loss of quality!
Or encode OGG Vorbis as MP3 using Lame
Encode WMA to MP3 using Lame
Technical specs
Using the BASS audio library
Using Expat and SCEW for XML support
Using Lame for MP3 encoding

Ответов(1 - 6)

Группа: Наши Люди

Сообщений: 590
Screamer Radio 0.38

user posted image

Screamer Radio - небольшая, простая в использовании бесплатная программа для прослушивания радио в Интернете. Из потоковых форматов, поддерживаются Shoutcast (MP3), Icecast (MP3, OGG), WMA и AAC.

Также с помощью Screamer Radio можно записать сигнал интернет-радио, например любимую песню или понравившуюся радиопрограмму. При этом система записи обладает целым рядом полезных и удобных функций:

-Возможность записи "не сначала" - предыдущий фрагмент будет взят из буфера.
-Прямая запись потоковых MP3 и Direct OGG Vorbis без потери качества.
-Перекодировка OGG Vorbis в MP3.
-Перекодировка WMA или AAC в MP3.

Версия Windows: Windows All
Тип программы: Freeware
Сайт программы: www.screamer-radio.com
Русификатор: Нет
Размер: 732.9 KByte/727.7 KByte

Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 8.030
Screamer Radio 0.3.9 beta

Version 0.3.9 beta

* Solved the lockup bug, FINALLY managed to painfully replicate the problem
* Removed an unneccessary callback from BASS and improved recorder semaphore
protection hopefully eliniating any potential deadlock bugs therein
+ Preset update notification added on manual update (silent on automatic)
+ Implemented basic proxy auth support
* Reverted window resize code to that of beta 060524
* Presets are now downloaded from a separate cache server to reduce
load on the main website
* Now using CreateTimerQueue-timers instead, should work in win2k
* Upgraded BASS to
* Improved proxy settings, they should now work much better
+ Added warning on exit when recording
+ Now recognizes icyx://
* Updated license agreement, Screamer Radio may no longer be modified
without restrictions for commercial applications
* The menu option Log Window is now straight under the help menu
* Moved Window menu, it is now a sub menu of the Help menu
* Right aligned the Help menu
* Implemented UTF-8 support for favorites and settings, forgot about those
* Now linking to UTF-8 version of Expat, UTF-16 was too messy
- Dropped charset.dll, don't need it any more
* Refurbished configuration dialog
+ Added browse button to editor setting
* Updated some confusing menu entries
* Last category in preset menu failed sometimes (ex: when playing Blue Mars)
+ Reinstated some old window resizing code.. looks okay with larger fonts now?
+ Now using libiconv for character code conversions (much more stable!)
+ Thanks to libiconv I now have a UNICODE build of Screamer Radio
* Clipboard routines didn't work with UNICODE, fixed
* Fixed some preset/favorites parsing bugs
* Improved playlist parsing (won't open html-files or open browser links now)
* Tray icon is now triggered on mouseup, not mousedown (proper behaviour)
* Upgraded BASS to
* Upgraded BASSWMA to
* Upgraded BASS_AAC to 2.3
* Screamer Radio now reports it's own user agent (thanks to BASS 2.3)
* Improved proxy support by BASS?
* Tray icon routines could cause startup crash
* Log window would always show up on start in some circumstances
+ Added and updated a few language files
* Now saving history and config to disk at every successful connect
+ Last used preset category now ends up at the bottom of the presets menu
+ Log window now snaps to main window
+ Log window now is shown/hidden along with main window if snapped
* Upgraded to Expat 2.0.0
* Will now play streams beginning with icy://
+ Winamp DSP plugin support, put plugins in a subfolder called plugins
* Improved threading code
* Fixed a 20 byte memory leak that's been haunting me for a week
* Now using windows multimedia timers instead of message loop dependent ones
+ UI now completely separated from core, console demo version available..
* Updated allocation strategy for buffers, should use less CPU now
+ Command line support, example: "screamer.exe
* Massive internal restructuring, moving towards better OOP-design..
* Finally seem to be able to display correct mpeg type and bitrate
* Upgraded BASS to
* Upgraded BASSWMA to
* Fixed potential socket crash bug in playlist downloader
* Eliminated an unnecessary thread (thanks to better OOP design)
* AAC bitrate calc (ADTS parser) could end up in an infinite loop
* New metadata routines didn't always clear title and track
* Device enumerator now skips emulated devices (as well as bluetooth)
* Improved stream bitrate calculation and metadata callbacks
* Ogg streams could potentially crash Screamer (in some VERY rare cases)
* Oops, managed to mess up the log, now working again..
* Fixed favorites saving, again.. for real this time
+ Added menu option "Web Directory" to presets
* COM is now initialized for every thread, hopefully this will fix WMA problems
+ Now displaying why the last source failed in the error popup
* WMA metadata now working again (broken since update to BASSWMA
* Error message when failing a WMA-stream was sometimes "No error"
+ Can now display bitrate on AAC streams as well (parsing ADTS frames)
* Open Recording Folder didn't always behave properly, should work now
+ Screamer Radio now asks if it should autoupdate presets at every startup
* Presets are now updated silently, no annoying messagebox at startup
+ Add favorite now has a dialog window
* It's now possible to record AAC-streams too (reencoded with Lame like WMA)
+ Upon first startup, Screamer now asks what language to use
* Log window now centered on first startup
* The user favorites wasn't saved properly using XML codewords (& -> &)
* Updated German language file
* Add to Favorites is now translatable (forgot about that one)

Size: ~ 1.31 MB


Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 8.030
Screamer Radio 0.4.1

What's new:

Fixed menu bug affecting Windows 9x and WINE
Fixed timer bug affecting Windows 9x and WINE
Upgraded BASS to
Upgraded BASSWMA to
Added a lot of language files and converted all of them to UTF-8
Refactored a bunch of code
Fixed UTF-8 bug on non UNICODE-build
Peakmeter didn't update properly, required a restart to turn on or off
Statusbar only updated when switching languages if you were currently playing
Merged changelogs, now there is only one

Size: ~ 1.6 MB


Группа: Наши Люди

Сообщений: 564

Группа: Наши Люди

Сообщений: 564
Stream Radio Portable 0.4.3
1.79 МБ, XP/Vista

Группа: Наши Люди

Сообщений: 3.732
Screamer Radio 0.4.4 Final + Portable (RUS/2010)

Год выпуска:
Оф.сайт: screamer-radio.com
Интерфейс: ML + русский
Таблетка: не требуется
ОС: Windows 2000, XP, Vista и Seven
Размер файла: 7.24 Mb

Screamer Radio 0.4.4 Final + Portable (RUS/2010)