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Snap Art 4.1.2, худ. обработка фото, Transforming your photographs
Дата публикации: 27.01.2019 - 17:48

Группа: Администраторы

Сообщений: 31.607
Alien Skin Snap Art


описание (ru) Snap Art универсальная программа, которая идеальна для любителей художественной обработки фотографий. Софт предназначен для создания быстрой и эффектной стилизации – превратите обычный снимок в настоящую картину, нарисованную от руки!
Snap Art - содержит большую библиотеку предварительных заготовок, которые дают возможность одним щелчком мыши создавать картины, написанные или нарисованные маслом, углем, акварелью, цветными карандашами, ручкой и чернилами, пастельными мелками, а также в стиле комиксов, пуантилизма и импасто (наложение красок густым слоем) на разной основе: холст, бумага и т.д.

description (en) Snap Art - Transforming your photographs into beautiful works of art has never been easier than with Snap Art 4. By analyzing the visual elements and techniques of artists through the centuries, we have designed Snap Art to produce images that look they were made by a human, not a computer.
Snap Art 4 lets you experiment with multiple artistic styles via a simple, sleek user interface. The refreshed design and layout reduces distractions and provides fast visual browsing of a wide array of presets so you can achieve perfect results quicker than ever. Snap Art crack works everywhere you do, including as a standalone application that provides easy batch processing.

Artistic Expression Made Simple
With Snap Art 4 license code, no hand-eye coordination or technical training is required. You make the creative choices to turn your artistic vision into reality and leave the brushwork to Snap Art.

Find Your Own Style
SnapArt comes loaded with a wide variety of presets, but they are just starting points for your own unique style. If you discover a preset that sparks an idea, it’s easy to mold it to fit your needs. Save your new look as a preset with a name, category, and even include notes. Later, you can apply it to a photo (or batches of photos) with a single click.

New in Snap Art 4
- The Right Looks in a Flash
- Snap To It
- Quick On The Draw

Interface languages: En
OS: Windows 10/8/7 (32bit-64bit)
Homepage: www.alienskin.com
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