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Paint.NET 5.0.13, Графический редактор Paint, image and photo editor
Дата обновления: 06.03.2024 - 13:03, перейти к новому сообщению

Группа: Администраторы

Сообщений: 8.232


Графический редактор Paint.NET отличается продуманным интерфейсом и значительной функциональностью по сравнению со стандартным редактором Paint. Тут поддерживается работа со слоями (в том числе с прозрачными), удобная настройка панелей инструментов, удаление эффекта красных глаз. Кроме того, программа содержит общие инструменты для работы с графикой, позволяет в удобном виде менять размер изображения, увеличивать чёткость картинки. Встроенными средствами Paint.NET на редактируемое изображение можно накладывать различные эффекты.
Обратите внимание: для нормальной работы программы необходимо, чтобы в системе был установлен Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6

Paint.NET is image and photo manipulation software designed to be used on computers that run Windows XP or 2000. Paint.NET is jointly developed at Washington State University with additional help from Microsoft, and is meant to be a free replacement for the MS Paint software that comes with all Windows operating systems. The programming language used to create Paint.NET is C#, with GDI+ extensions.
Paint.NET has many of the powerful features that expensive commercial applications have, including the ability to use layers. This is the second semester that Paint.NET has been a project at Washington State University, and we have the goal of adding as much functionality as expensive commercial applications provide, but of course, for free! In the spirit of all this freedom, we welcome any suggestions, as well as provide the source code free of charge for anyone who wishes to tinker with it. Please explore this website, download the software and try out many of the things you would do on those expensive commercial applications.

Home: www.getpaint.net

Ответов(30 - 39)

Группа: Наши Люди

Сообщений: 12.045
Paint.NET 4.0.11

» Change Log: «

Размер: 6,87 МБ.

Группа: Наши Люди

Сообщений: 12.045
Paint.NET 4.0.12

» Change Log: «

Размер: 6,88 МБ.

Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 9.562
Paint.NET 4.0.14 Final

Change Log
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Группа: Наши Люди

Сообщений: 12.045
Paint.NET 4.0.15

» Change Log: «

Размер: 6,74 МБ.

Группа: Наши Люди

Сообщений: 12.045
Paint.NET 4.0.16

» Change Log: «

Размер: 6,74 МБ.

Группа: Администраторы

Сообщений: 31.607
Paint.NET 4.1.1

Цитата | Quote( Paint.NET 4 1 1 )
Changes:    New: Ukranian translation (thanks @ReMake!)
    New: Norwegian translation (thanks @Dandelion Sprout!)
    Fixed a bug in the IndirectUI color wheel control where it wouldn’t pick up the correct value for the alpha slider
    Fixed a crash with the new Shapes that would sometimes occur because the resources file wasn’t updated yet (probably due to a "you have to reboot" dialog at the end of updating that was ignored)
    Reinstated the shortcut keys for the Adjustments menu, as this was a very unpopular change
    Improved: IndirectUI angle chooser control now supports the UpDownIncrement property (thanks @toe_head2001!)

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Трудно найти слова, когда действительно есть что сказать. Э.М. Ремарк

Группа: Администраторы

Сообщений: 31.607
Paint.NET 4.1.2

Цитата | Quote( Paint.NET 4 1 2 )
released on October 22nd, 2018
This is a small update that improves startup performance, fixes some bugs, and addresses two security vulnerabilities. Administrators who manage deployments of Paint.NET are urged to begin updating immediately. Details of CVE-2018-18446 and CVE-2018-18447 are pending publication.

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Трудно найти слова, когда действительно есть что сказать. Э.М. Ремарк

Группа: Администраторы

Сообщений: 31.607
Paint.NET 4.1.4

Цитата | Quote( paint.net 4.1.4 )
released on November 4th, 2018
This is a small update that fixes some important bugs and substantially improves plugin loading performance.

    Improved: Massive startup performance improvement when lots of effect plugins are installed
    Fixed a crash that would happen when closing an image, exiting the app, or sometimes just at random. This was happening due to a bug in Direct2D where ID2D1EffectContext does not honor the multithreaded initialization flag from its ID2D1Factory, and was thus corrupting its own internal data structures when released on the finalizer thread.
    Fixed: DirectX 9 GPUs can now utilize hardware acceleration again (in 4.1.3 they were forced to use software rendering)
    Fixed: The Black & White and Invert Colors adjustments no longer display an OK/Cancel dialog

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Трудно найти слова, когда действительно есть что сказать. Э.М. Ремарк

Группа: Администраторы

Сообщений: 31.607
Paint.NET 4.1.5

Цитата | Quote( paint.net 4.1.5 )
    Improved: Image -> Rotate should now complete almost instantly (thanks @Bruce Bowyer-Smyth!)
    Improved: Optimized a portion of the rendering engine for newer CPU instruction sets (SSE2, SSSE3, AVX2). Depending on zoom level, CPU type, and other factors, rendering throughput has been improved by 10-50%.
    Improved: Some performance optimizations for code that uses the indexers on the Surface class, which should improve effect plugin performance (thanks @Bruce Bowyer-Smyth!)
    Fixed: Shortcut keys for the Adjustments menu weren’t working until after you opened the menu for the first time
    Fixed: Canvas checkerboard, used to indicate transparent regions of the image, now scales with DPI
    Fixed some of the more rare cases of the SEHException/AccessViolationException crash caused by Direct2D
    Fixed: A bug in IndirectUI was resulting in a crash when using @BoltBait‘s Level Horizon plugin
    Fixed: Per-user fonts no longer cause a crash for the Store version
    New: The paintdotnet: protocol now works for the Classic version
    Fixed: The paintdotnet: protocol should now work properly with paths that have spaces in them
    Fixed: Hardened security for loading Custom Shape plugins via XAML (thanks @Bruce Bowyer-Smyth!)

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Трудно найти слова, когда действительно есть что сказать. Э.М. Ремарк

Группа: Администраторы

Сообщений: 31.607
Paint.NET 4.1.6

Цитата | Quote( Paint.NET 4.16 )
    New: Completely redone high-res icons throughout the app which match the Microsoft Office style guidelines, with native support for up to 400% scaling (384 DPI)
    New: File -> Save All (thanks @Bruce Bowyer-Smyth!)
    New: Turkish language
    New: Move Layer commands are now present in the Layers menu, not just on the Layers window
    New: Layers -> Rotate 180 (thanks @null54!)
    New: Plugins can now use the UIScaleFactor class, which simplifies making decisions about DPI and scaling
    Improved: Image thumbnail list at the top of the main window now reacts to horizontal mouse wheel or trackpad swiping
    Improved: The Text Tool’s "Font Size Metric" button now has a tooltip explaining it
    Improved: When many images are open, Paint.NET now closes significantly faster (thanks @Bruce Bowyer-Smyth for the fix!)
    Improved: File -> Open Recent now has up to 10 images (up from 8 )
    Changed: Ctrl+Shift+F6 and +F7 will now also reset the floating window sizes for History and Layers, respectively (same if you Ctrl+Shift+Click on the button at the top-right of the main window)
    Changed: (for plugins) EffectFlags.SingleRenderCall is deprecated. Plugins should use the new EffectRenderingSchedule.None option instead.
    Changed: Settings -> Plugin Errors now shows up even if there are no plugin errors. This ensures consistency, especially with the newly asynchronous nature of plugin loading (otherwise there’s no way to distinguish "no errors" from "not done loading plugins").
    Fixed: Items in the File -> Open Recent menu will no longer get bigger or smaller when moving between monitors with different DPIs
    Fixed: An icon handle was being leaked every time a dialog was opened (thanks @null54 for the fix!)
    Fixed a crash when running GPU effects (e.g. Black & White) on very large, very tall images
    Fixed: "Bad" plugins can no longer ruin the undo system by rendering outside of the selection (thanks @BoltBait for helping out with this!)

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Трудно найти слова, когда действительно есть что сказать. Э.М. Ремарк