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Back4Sure 3.7.0 (32/64bit, Portable), Создание резервных копий данных
Дата публикации: 14.01.2015 - 16:00

Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 8.030
Back4Sure 3.7.0 (32/64bit, Portable)

Твой софтовый форум Back4Sure - бесплатная для домашнего и коммерческого исользования портативная программа, предназначенная для создания резервных копий Ваших документов, фото, видео и любых других файлов. Программа предельно проста в использовании и позволяет легко создавать бэкапы на любые типы носителей (внутренние, внешние, сетевые, флеш) с возможностью использования встроенной компрессии данных. При необходимости есть возможность настроить выполнение определенных действий до/после бэкапа.

Back4Sure is a freeware program for making backup copies of your documents, pictures, music, videos and anything you find valuable. The files to copy may be distributed all over your computer, even on different drives. Back4Sure is a free backup program designed to backup your valuable data including: documents, audio files, video files, family pictures, images, or any file.

The program is extremely easy to use. Simply give your backup a name, select the directory you want to backup, the target drive and directory, and simply click the backup button.

Some features of Back4Sure
Back4Sure is unlimited freeware for private and commercial use. Please see the license agreement in the downloadable files for further details.
Easy folder selection
You can easily select multiple folders from the directory tree to include them into the backup set. Just as easy you can exclude certain folders from the backup.
Full unicode support
Back4Sure can handle unicode filenames. They are shown correctly in the directory selection tree and will be copied without errors.
Long paths support
Even very large and deeply nested directory structures (path length up to 32000 characters) are no problem for Back4Sure.
Efficient filter system
You can easily create filter set to determine which files to include in or to exclude from the backup. And this not only for the whole backup, but also for individual folders.
Compression option with adjustable directory depth and encryption
Backups may be stored in a compressed format. If you choose to enable compression, you can specify the directory depth from which on all files are packed into a single archive file. This way you can avoid very large archives and improve overall safety of you backup process. Compressed backup archives can also be encrypted. If you choose the 7Zip format, even the filenames can be hidden.
Cleanup the target directory
After larger restructuring of your file organization, lots of files in the backup target directory do not have corresponding source files anymore. Using the cleanup function of Back4Sure you can easily remove those orphaned files from the target directory.
Logging of the backup process
All actions performed during backup may be logged into a plain text file. You can choose between two different formats of the log file: either an easy to read version or version in ini format optimized for automated analysis.
Executing actions before and after the backup
You can specify actions to execute before and after the backup process, e.g. running programs or scipts or sending a mail with the log file of the just finished backup job.
Shutting down the computer after backup
Back4Sure can be instructed to shutdown the computer after all backup tasks have finished.
Creating desktop links to backup jobs
You can easily create a desktop link to a backup job from within the program, from which the backup job can be directly started by just double clicking it.
Support for command line parameters
Back4Sure supports some useful command line parameters. This offers the possibility to control Back4Sure via scripts and also allows fully automated execution.
Portable use or fixed installation
Besides the normal setup file for a fixed installation, a zipped version for use from a USB drive is also available.
No backup scheduler
Why is this a feature? Well, Back4sure can be fully controlled via command line parameters so you can easily use the built-in task scheduler from Windows. Thus you save another unnecessary background service.

Back4Sure occupies less than 4 MB of storage space and can easily be run from a flash disk without installation. It does not leave any traces on the host system and does not install any kind of extensions or services.

Language: RU, EN

License: FreeWare

OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7

Home: http://www.ukrebs-software.de/

Download (32bit Portable, Size: ~ 3.2 MB):

Download (64bit Portable, Size: ~ 3.68 MB):