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StretchWare, SoftoRooM
Дата публикации: 10.05.2011 - 16:01

Группа: Наши Люди

Сообщений: 9.491

Программа напоминающая вам о необходимости отвлечся от работы за компьютером, информирует вас и показывает комплексы коротких упражнений. Все очень просто и наглядно.

StretchWare is the ergonomic software program that reminds you to stretch. It can be tailored to meet each individual's work situation and personal requirements. Users set up the software to remind them to stretch with a sound (such as Tibetan bell, clock, or harp), a flashing icon on the computer screen and/or a window that appears throughout the day.

Preferences are also set to determine how often the user wants to be reminded to stretch (for example, every hour, half hour, or 20 minutes; after a set number of keystrokes; or at a certain hour of the day).

· Reminders when you want them
· 14 stretching routines to choose from
· Clear drawings that are easy to follow
· Educational info on repetitive strain injuries, including carpal tunnel syndrome



