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Wine 3.1 Released, Win32-API
Дата обновления: 11.02.2018 - 23:35, перейти к новому сообщению

Группа: Наши Люди

Сообщений: 11.935
ph34r.gif Wine

SoftoRoomWine (/waɪn/ — между «уа́йн» и «вайн») — это свободное программное обеспечение, позволяющее пользователям UNIX-подобных систем архитектуры x86 (и других архитектур, при наличии совместимости, например, AMD64) исполнять 16 и 32-битные приложения Microsoft Windows (64-битные приложения находятся в стадии ранней реализации). Wine также предоставляет программистам библиотеку программ Winelib, при помощи которой они могут компилировать Windows-приложения для портирования их в UNIX-подобные системы. Название Wine является рекурсивным акронимом и расшифровывается «Wine Is Not an Emulator» — «Wine — не эмулятор» (имеется в виду, что Wine не является эмулятором компьютера, как, например, qemu или VirtualBox, Wine — это альтернативная реализация Windows API). После пятнадцати лет разработки, 17 июня 2008 года была выпущена версия Wine 1.0.

Wine распространяется на условиях лицензии GNU LGPL.

Проект сталкивается с большими трудностями вследствие неполноты или отсутствия документации по многим элементам Win32 API. В то время, как функции Win32 в основном документированы, существует масса областей (таких как файловые форматы или протоколы Microsoft), спецификации на которые никогда не публиковались. Таким образом, команде разработчиков Wine приходится заниматься обратной разработкой этих компонентов.

Wine воспринимает системные вызовы Windows-приложений к библиотекам операционной системы и подменяет их своими. Таким образом, эмуляции процессора, аналогично другим эмуляторам типа VMware и QEMU, не происходит, и приложения выполняются в Wine почти так же быстро, как и в «родной» операционной системе (а иногда даже быстрее). Для своей работы Wine не требует наличия установленной ОС Windows, хотя и может использовать её библиотеки.

Также Wine предоставляет инструментарий разработки программ Winelib для переноса унаследованных исходных кодов из среды Windows в среду UNIX путём простой перекомпиляции.

Wine, безусловно, не является стабильным продуктом, и нельзя сказать, что любую программу для Windows удастся запустить с его помощью. Некоторые подсистемы Windows вообще практически не реализованы. Тем не менее, уже сейчас многие из повсеместно используемых Windows-приложений полноценно запускаются и работают в UNIX-подобных ОС при помощи Wine. Особенно это касается приложений, которые не используют недокументированные возможности Windows.
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии

Главные изменения:
  • Поддержка выполнения RPC поверх протокола HTTP, позволяет организовать соединение Outlook MAPI клиентов к Exchange серверу через протоколы HTTP/HTTPS;
  • Улучшена поддержка функции обновления MSI пакетов;
  • Многочисленные чистки кода, связанного с реализацией Direct3D.


Ответов(40 - 49)

Группа: Наши Люди

Сообщений: 11.935
ph34r.gif Wine 1.3.7

Bugs fixed in 1.3.7:

5760 "Save As", "Open" dialog windows show blank field when dealing with .mus, .mid files
6011 jstrip crashes
6319 Ballance hangs on rendering a specific effect
6606 FIFA 2002 crashes in the startup (ddraw error)
6912 nVidia melody display junk to screen, list of fixmes
7969 Legacy crashes when creating or opening a database
8796 Need for Speed Porsche 2000 / Unleashed crashes with unhandled page fault
10836 Skijump fails to start:Could not find the selected Direct3D adapter.
13233 FSX Demo fails to start.
13539 Equalizer in foolbar2000 does not work
13921 Installation of Quest Toad 9.6.1 fails with file access error message
14786 mkv2vob halts with the message "error getting mkv info"
15486 Impulse: Cannot connect to server
15625 Fujiprint/Rossmann fails to save its books as a file
17416 urlmon/url sometimes fails (race condition)
17518 winmm/mci tests fail with +heap enabled
18856 using selectSingleNode method : "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed"
20129 FaleWEB crashes on startup
20421 Return to Mysterious Island doesn't start
20580 QQ 2009 International beta1 installer crashes because sxs.CreateAssemblyCache unimplemented?
20801 2gis city module cannot install
20964 Not re-registering icons in tray
21163 NFS4: Fails to start if Hardware Acceleration is enabled
21388 "shed skin" compiler output crashes
21593 Grand Prix World v1.01: fails to run: "Initialization failed"
21651 Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner 6.5 crashes when run
21665 Heavy Metal Pro pagefaults when opening load screen
21758 another CommandLineToArgvW bug with empty lpCmdLine
21821 Impulse crash on login screen.
22122 CDBurnerXP 4.1+: corrupted background on the mode selection screen
22304 MSI file overwrite property
22555 Metro 2033: needs d3dx9_36.dll.D3DXCreateCubeTexture
22957 MapSource 6.16.1 doesn't draw the main map
22963 Tooltip for the system tray icon appears for the wrong application
23101 Simutrans 102.2.2: unimplemented function msvcr80.dll._findfirst64i32
24139 OpenGL 2.0 Shading Language Terrain Texturing Demo crashes on unimplemented function msvcr100.dll._fseeki64
24243 urlmon's HttpProtocol_open_request fails in small test app
24344 VC++ Express 2010 installer crashes with unimplemented function wer.dll.WerReportCreate
24442 [Microsoft Web Platform Installer 2.0] Interface requires GDIplus to display correctly
24458 Final Fantasy XIV Benchmark: Crashes after clicking start.
24587 CDBurnerXP: can't access data disc mode
24689 CDSpeed crashes while saving a screenshot in PNG format
24736 Fifa11: config utility needs GdipMeasureString
24777 Warlords III: Darklords Rising demo installer fails to start
24779 Warlords III: Darklords Rising demo: mouse clicks don't register in the main menu
24782 GTA: San Andreas crashes when playing intro videos
24802 MSOffice 2003: "Not installed for this user" regression
24897 Age of Empires III trial complains "parsing error in Fonts2.xml" without native msxml4
24903 NoX game crashes when trying inputting anything in any textbox
24909 KeepFocused doesn't work
24910 Age of Empires 3 Trial installer puts native msxml4 in c:\SXS on wine
24933 Morrowind freezes on startup
24939 Crysis Warhead requires msvcr80.dll
24970 AcdSee Pro 3(3.0.475) and Office 2003 'Custom' install crashes
24978 Assertion error in winegstreamer
24984 Nestle Nesquick FIRERESCUE application won't start
25026 Crysis Warhead requires d3dx9_36.dll
25081 Automation broken in AutoCAD
25090 Winedbg: input characters are not displayed
25111 Firefox 4 Beta 7: Starts but doesn't render the program (menu/toolbars/browserarea)

Downloads (~17,5 Mb)_http://ibiblio.org/pu...-1.3.7.tar.bz2

Группа: Наши Люди

Сообщений: 11.935
ph34r.gif Wine 1.3.8

Основные изменения в новой версии:

* Улучшен внешний вид контекстного диалога "открыть с помощью" в KDE/Gnome - в нём теперь отображается не только текст, но и иконки Windows приложения;
* Добавлены страницы man справки для всех приложений, входящих в комплект поставки Wine;
* Улучшена поддержка MSI-инсталлятора;
* Добавлена поддержка схем в библиотеке MSXML;
* Добавлены некоторые вызовы библиотеки msvcrt;
* Добавлены некоторые функции для встроенных d3dx библиотек;
* Обновлены переводы;
* Исправлено множество ошибок.

» ChangeLog «

Downloads (~17,4 Mb)_http://ibiblio.org/pu...-1.3.8.tar.bz2

Группа: Наши Люди

Сообщений: 11.935
ph34r.gif Wine 1.2.2

Bugs fixed in 1.2.2:

16281 Support for animated cursors is not implemented
17436 mRemote does not work
17875 GetTempFileName with unique != 0 broken
18958 Adobe Reader 9 has a divide by zero error during install
21096 utorrent drops error 12157 when using a https tracker
23285 Animated mouse pointer invisible in 3D mode in Ice Cream Tycoon
23355 Ring-Protech CD/DVD Protection fails
24470 winegcc: 32-bit libs are not found with -m32 on 64-bit host
24606 Office 2007 crashes at open/save file dialogs because of Fortify (not a Wine bug)
24627 ProPresenter for Windows doesn't startup
24673 iexplore: Error when using SSL
24714 ProteoWizard: Unhandled marshal type 7
24773 It is possible to click behind certain modal dialogs in Worms Armageddon, leading to loss of focus and crashes
24871 Floppy diskette label and serial number not reported
24952 dlls/user32/button.c handles incorrectly unknown button types
25057 Magic Workstation: mwsplay.exe crashes when launching it
25238 Wine is missing manpages for some built-in applications
25339 make install-dev target broken for empty directory structures

Downloads (~16,8 Mb)_http://ibiblio.org/pu...-1.2.2.tar.bz2

Группа: Наши Люди

Сообщений: 11.935
ph34r.gif Wine 1.3.9

Bugs fixed in 1.3.9:

8103 Ventrilo list does not draw correctly at times
8978 No mp3's playing in Age of Empires 3
10366 EAccess Violation in winex11.drv when printing
11800 WISO Sparbuch garbled printout
11839 Visualworks Smalltalk menu z-order pfui
12001 chemsketch won't display
13306 Swichmax 2 close in the try to export
15349 Spore crashes when leaving water
16328 GTA4 does not work
16653 Trials 2 SE normal graphics mode does not work
16694 undefined reference to `NtCurrentTeb' on PowerPC
16736 kernel32/format_msg.c: compiler errors
16861 ntdll/tests: size of array is negative
16972 AutoCAD 2008: installation of Service Pack 1 fails
18376 Office 2007 SP1/SP2 installers fail
18571 Top level window loses focus when selecting a menu item
18606 Open/save file dialog "New Folder" button does not behave as expected for non-unixfs/My Documents working directory shell items
19746 Adobe Reader 7 w/ FEAD installer causes a page fault
20029 Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0 unimplemented
21679 men of war version 1.2 (regular game-on-cd, not steam or demo) crashes
21697 Background music (MIDI) doesn't always play in Pikachu Volleyball 1.2
22480 Letter Chase 5.4 crash when typing
22617 Texture Problems in Battlefield Bad Company 2
22732 unimplemented function msvcr80.dll._wgetenv_s
22859 MS Paint crashes attempting to save a monochrome bitmap
22910 Age of Empires III 1.1.3: Unhandled exception: page fault on write access....
23440 Windows Live Essentials installer aborts just after startup with "an unknown error occurred"
23723 Multiple games from Sonalysts cannot play sound files (stored in Sfx.agg)
23872 Steam: Windows will automatically reopen after being closed
24213 WMI: provide "WMIC" stub executable to silence various "file not found" messages (Java SE JRE/JDK installers)
24275 Nimbus Sky Princess is slow during gameplay
24526 install eatree tweak
24605 MS Office 2010 Pro Trial installer "encounters an error"
24941 Fable: The Lost Chapters can't play video
24968 ApacheMonitor.exe (start/stop/pause the Apache demon) needs wtsapi32.WTSTerminateProcess
25041 Civilization 4 crashes when starting.
25077 Dragon Age: Origins - ultimate edition, updater needs dotnet20, mono26 isn't enough
25179 application Get My Ancestors won't install
25196 utorrent icon in systray is blank and unclickable
25270 Chaser: crashes before reaching the main menu
25281 VLC 1.1.5 fails to install in Vista mode
25308 Rise of Nations installer hangs on "Removing icons..."
25319 AutoCAD 2008: Hangs at installation
25322 Parameter checking in _controlfp_s seems to be broken.
25335 Classmodules not usable in MS Word 2003
25339 make install-dev target broken for empty directory structures
25347 AutoCAD 2005 crashes selecting files after OPEN command
25351 Fable: The Lost Chapters, no video with gstreamer
25354 King's Quest Collection Series (1997): setup.exe crashes
25356 graphical glitches drawing gun in Battlefield 2 Bad Company
25363 Photoshop CS4 Freezes on start while reading preferences
25374 Lightworks : Unhandled page fault on read access
25378 Age of Empires 3: initial playback of mp3 stutters
25395 GTA III and Vice City crash after the intro video
25401 WSAStringToAddress doesn't update lpAddressLength on success
25424 Windows Live Photo Gallery [for XP] fails to install
25468 Windows Live Movie Maker fails to install

Downloads (~17,4 Mb)_http://ibiblio.org/pu...-1.3.9.tar.bz2

Группа: Наши Люди

Сообщений: 11.935
ph34r.gif Wine 1.3.10

Bugs fixed in 1.3.10:

4432 Blobby Volley - corrupted graphics
7304 WRC (Wine Resource Compiler) preprocessing is buggy
7431 Xilinx picoblaze assembler kcpsm3 crashes
7922 Language settings not found and strange Day Error in EWRevenge (bug in oleaut32)
11449 ExpressPCB 6.1.2 crashes when updating pricing
12744 Steam tray icon doesn't appear if panel hidden in autohide mode
12808 indexed bitmaps support is broken
12828 Arcade Pool 2: Game crashes after several seconds
14922 no ingame sound in drakensang
15003 VB6 crashes when triing enter a program code
15041 Guild Wars: Typing into Char Fields
15257 Changing from OpenGL to Direct3D output in WinUAE results in blank screen
15882 while wine application is running fullscreen ekiga incoming call popup doesn't appare
16489 Falcon 4.0 AF: Updater does not work, check fails
16672 Marie La Cavalière: Unhandled exception
16703 Wineconsole: Fallback from curses to window based backend
16704 wineconsole: Allow specifying the console backend to use when wineconsole is launched implicitly
16914 wrc chokes on a file which is accepted by windows rc
18075 IE8 crashes due to missing urlmon.dll.423 API
18230 Romanian translation wrong
18484 Charma: too slow and there's a problem with the pointer
18497 Gothic 3: Failure at starting new game
18768 Madden NFL 08 regression: program doesn't start
19314 IE8 for Server 2003 refuses to install (Service Pack 2 for Windows Server 2003 install required)
19565 Guitar Hero World Tour does not produces any sound (except videos)
20311 Blitzkrieg game crashes when selecting 'Allies campaign' (failed to save document to IStream)
20552 Memory leak in alloc_thread_tls?
20842 Python: ctrl-c and ctrl-d do not work in wineconsole [dogfood]
21173 choice.exe missing, needed by some cmd scripts
21245 file operations are very slow or hangs solidworks
22487 tray icons broken with ubuntu 10.04 for some users (affects utorrent 2.0.1, autohotkey)
23028 Empire Earth 1.00 and 1.04 mirrored cursor on vertical move
23089 Grass rendering bug in S.T.A.L.K.E.R clear sky/call of pripyat
23378 Desktop launchers generated by new Steam UI are broken
24294 corrupted icons in SolidWorks sketches
24323 Need for speed 3 crashes on startup
24680 loader: segfault after loading krnl386.exe, while LoadLibraryEx for any buildin dll
24866 Unhandled exception in Windows Double Explorer (IExplorerBrowser_fnSetPropertyBag)
25040 Icons in system tray area are blank
25059 dotnet30 install completion window minimized, needs balloon tooltip
25155 Creative Writer 2 only installs in Win9x modes on WoW64
25283 Unimplemented function urlmon.dll.410
25301 Occasional sock_check_pollhup() error on Solaris
25452 office2000 reconfiguration gives msi crash
25484 NewsLeecher 'send to tray' broken
25510 Wine-generated desktop files are not compliant with XDG standard
25513 Wine Software Uninstaller crashes
25529 64-bit Internet Explorer 7/8 refuse to install
25545 64-bit wine loader broken (in win64 mode)

Download (~17,4 Mb)_http://ibiblio.org/pu...1.3.10.tar.bz2

Группа: Наши Люди

Сообщений: 11.935
ph34r.gif Wine 1.3.11

Bugs fixed in 1.3.11:

2057 When textbox is told to scroll to end of text, it doesn't
5157 MS Hearts (16 bit) crashes after startup screen
17816 Crash on startup if an Hercules DJ Console Rmx is connected
19025 Allods3:Evil_Islands freezes every 10 sec
19873 Automated installation of gecko requires DOS path to root filesystem
24932 GTA 3, VC, SA crash
25231 F-22 Lightning 3 crashes in the options menu
25404 Super Meat Boy: game is running at insane framerate
25427 Arcanum crashes in the main menu (when using hardware acceleration)
25491 BearShare: Fails to install
25512 Watchtower Library 2010 crashes after splash screen
25678 'Wine reg add' with longer hive name error
25704 Movie Collection

Downloads (~16,9 Mb)_http://ibiblio.org/pu...1.3.11.tar.bz2

Группа: Наши Люди

Сообщений: 11.935
ph34r.gif Wine 1.3.12

Bugs fixed in 1.3.12:

5349 Wine crashes on attempt to run SimTower with sound
12004 foobar2000- toolbars not moveable
12006 ForceBindIP crashes
12219 The "House of the Dead 3" "start game" options menu doesn't show any text.
13061 DreamSeeker: Map Element rendered improperly. (DX)
13165 Crash with Far Cry Demo in Direct3D
13457 Facewound crashes when in-game console is opened
13626 PowerPoint Viewer 2007: some sounds resembles pig
13852 2d game has lost sounds (some go some don't go)
14484 Unable to install Chaser, setup.exe segfaults
15230 eXperience112 demo won't run
15423 mIRC enters deadlock after a second playback attempt
15849 Madden NFL 08: creating thousands of orphaned temp files
16163 FEAR 1.08 (DX8 mode): FBO status - incomplete dimensions
16241 Call of duty 5 World at War : Fails to initialize
16330 wine <=1.1.9 hangs if mIRC sound events is on OR application crash
17458 Quake Live will crash firefox upon entering the Quake Live Portal
17494 Goalpro 2008 crashes when trying to print
17716 Madden NFL 08 doesn't recognize Saitek P990 right analog horizontal axis
18182 Wildlife Park Gold: intro video displays garbage pixels
18597 Source Insight: Crashes when cursor focus is in the Symbol Window and then Esc is pressed.
18755 Street Wars: Constructor Underground - Game sound lags lots and freezes up
19575 Settlers: Rise of an Empire demo hangs/crashes when starting a game
19920 Bloom and other lighting effects not rendered to the bottom in The.Popular.Demo
20314 wine loader doesn't work on Debian/kFreeBSD
20340 CryptImportKey CRYPT_IPSEC_HMAC_KEY support missing, causes failure in chromium's base_unittests.exe in HMACTest.*
21500 Paste in a text box replaces all the text, even if the text wasn't selected
21714 Moraff's Maximum MahJongg Vol. 2: Midi's won't play
21868 Can't save anything in Online-Profiles in Anno1404
22314 Sims 3: error window is completely blank
23073 Printing specific range of pages instead of all pages fails
23135 Mass Effect 2 hangs/crashes after Shepard is reanimated
23223 Cyberboard Player: unwind menu disappear when clicked
23394 unimplemented function msvcr80.dll._set_abort_behavior (affects Windows Live Mail, Sims 3)
23708 winemenubuilder:SaveIconResAsPNG unsupported bpp 21060, please report
23975 mcicda wants to open the nth cdrom in the system
24212 Morrowind Script Extender (MWSE) fails silently
24306 kernel/console: no more EOF handling.
24400 Sims 3 crashes at startup with unimplemented function msvcr80.dll._atoflt
24800 wine try to use float texture even if driver don't support them
24913 children of the nile demo crashes because of TGA picture format
25169 Anarchy Online crashes when pushing settings button
25463 ZEMAX cannot display help pages
25556 Resizing window causes SimSig to hang
25593 Burnout Paradise Configuration crashes
25616 Comet Busters: Error displays indicating Wine cannot continue
25685 When printing diagrams & charts in Family Historian 4.1.3 characters are upside down
25686 uninstaller and appwiz.cpl fails to remove registry entry
25720 Invisible input text in wineconsole
25752 [patch] add support for indexed formats to GdipBitmapSetPixel
25784 Crash while installing safesign_icbc_per.exe ( Driver for G&D USB-Shield)
25789 No icons in wine's iexplore

Downloads (~17 Mb)_http://ibiblio.org/pu...1.3.12.tar.bz2

Группа: Наши Люди

Сообщений: 11.935
ph34r.gif Wine 1.3.14

Bugs fixed in 1.3.14:

10140 Most grayscale JPEGs cause abnormal rendering artifacts in CDisplay
11021 Unable to launch Universal Combat
11124 VAZ Modular Demo unable to exit raising access violation exception
11242 Deprecated functions called in audiounit.c
12303 Halo has white boxes covering menu items when it loads the first screen.
13629 ABEV (Hungarian Tax Returning SW) has some GFX problem with logo
14282 Eve Online in windowed mode has additional black borders
15686 Microsoft Word 5.5 for DOS does not install; int 21h ah=41h not fully implemented
16695 Wine broken on PowerPC
17884 Tree glitch in fable
19202 eve online 100% cpu usage (frame rate limiter is not limiting anything)
21517 Sims 3 crashes to desktop when entering Create-A-Sim or buying a house
23267 Eudora White space appears below the Search Web dropdown
25206 Anarchy Online v18.4, Ingame browser crashes (Awesomium.dll)
25865 EVE Online crashes if a character portrait requests fails
25911 Miranda + windows riched20.dll = crash
25933 SolidWorks 2010: Unimplemented function propsys.dll.PSRefreshPropertySchema
25951 Mathematica 6.0 installation fails
25989 Total Commander: Crashes when clicking the current directory field of the current panel
25991 DameWare Exporter: Unimplemented function netapi32.dll.NetUseDel
26014 Printing produces garbled output, characters rotated and sliced.
26036 [foobar2000 1.x] crash when opening certain dialog box
26051 wintrust/softpub tests show a few leaks under valgrind
26052 usp10/usp10 tests show a few valgrind errors
26071 urlmon/uri tests show some valgrind warnings
26123 mshtml/protocol shows several leaks under valgrind

Downloads (~18,0 Mb)_http://ibiblio.org/pu...1.3.14.tar.bz2

Группа: Наши Люди

Сообщений: 11.935
ph34r.gif Wine 1.3.15

Bugs fixed in 1.3.15:

11965 gethostbyname requires a successful WSAStartup invocation before performing an operation
12583 clipboard monitor is not working in PSPad
14412 staruml can't load examples
16551 install fails - msi_cabextract FDICopy fails
18153 Wizard101 will not load
18598 Source Insight: Window Title Bar does not get updated with the new file when jumping to the definition from the current file.
19654 The "Mudokon Status Indicator" in Abe's Oddysee doesn't work correctly
21210 Clicking on URL hyperlinks in PowerPoint 2007 results in a crash
23734 Office 2007 installer: cannot add or remove programs after initial install
24250 Sam and Max 304 aborts on unimplemented function msvcr80.dll.getenv_s
24268 mono's gluezilla uses unimplemented function msvcr80._stat32
24290 GetOpenFileName() triggers read of uninitialized variable
24440 Second Life crashes with unimplemented function(s) from msvcr80.dll
24553 unimplemented msvcrt.dll._wfindfirst64
25033 Solo on Keyboard setup fails
25098 BrainSplode! crashes with Unimplemented function d3dx9_36.dll.D3DXCreateTextA
25273 msvcrt/misc.ok I10_OUTPUT long double crash with winetest.exe, not make test
25443 Unimplemented function msvcr90.dll._ftime64_s
25618 Super Meat Boy fails to output audible sound
25866 Mafia: City of Lost Heaven - Crash when starting Freeride Supreme Mode
26114 gdi32/mapping tests shows a couple memory leaks in valgrind
26133 d3dx9_36: surface and texture tests shows an invalid read under valgrind
26174 Theme internals crash with Unimplemented function ADVAPI32.dll.EnableTraceEx
26177 Compilation of dlls/msxml3 fails on CentOS 3
26178 MS Word 2003 save document with embedded fonts needs t2embed.dll._TTEmbedFont@44 implemented
26201 wineboot fails to install gecko automatically
26228 msxml3 fails to build when libxml2 is built with +icu useflag
26233 Dragon Age 2 demo - sound sometimes missing in EA logo movie
26248 Pokerstars client, windows pops up just to die

Downloads (~18,1 Mb)_http://ibiblio.org/pu...1.3.15.tar.bz2

Группа: Наши Люди

Сообщений: 11.935
ph34r.gif Wine 1.3.16

Bugs fixed in 1.3.16:

13727 In Circuitmaker 2000 cloned part tries itself to pan down the workspace
15025 HxD crashes on opening disk
17611 Increasing DPI makes displayed text smaller
19068 Slingplayer 1.5 installshield error 1628
19133 Ground Control: mouse moves extremely strange
19337 MSI SQL string comparison operators incorrect...
19426 Radio Manager fails to install some times and some others times not
20037 Sid Meiers Railroads crashes
20664 the MCI devices badly re-enter the player loop.
21738 Garmin Training Center map is rendered incorrectly
22224 CDBurnerXP 4.2+: drive icon lacks transparency
22607 TextPad crashes on exit
22860 Enterprise Architect fails to create a new project or loads an existing one
23213 .NET Framework 1.1 installation fails with builtin msvcr71 (unimplemented function _set_security_error_handler)
23507 AutoCAD 2008: Font size is smaller in properties window
23622 Severe bugs make displaying .chm files a disaster
23651 Spiceworks Crashes during Installation
24844 YoWindow: Shows nothing but black window
24852 KidZui: Shows nothing but white window
24853 CopyTrans Manager: Fails to install
24956 King's Bounty - The Legend: no native mouse pointer
25048 ManyCam: Fails to start
25204 Speed Teacher: Font size is too small
25215 Beat Hazard: GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameA function not implemented
25402 Woody Two Legs crashes with unimplemented function msvcr90.dll._wcslwr_s
25485 Telltale's Strong Bad game launcher: login window is broken
25507 Sallambo crashes on main menu
25518 gamestop downloader crashes in is_preserving_whitespace in xmlParseCharData
25646 LibertyKeeper: SSL connection does not work
25693 Opening wine configuration tool for the first time brings up an error window - winemenubuilder
25838 winepath and cmd output garbage (really, escape sequences) before desired output
25998 Wine builtin IE doesn't handle url with port number, like
26000 Builtin IE cannot display ActiveX Controls from ICBC online bank (fixed in gecko)
26162 Visual C++ 2005 Trial install fails
26236 Shell icons and mouse cursor rendered upside down
26305 Majesty 2 fails to start
26310 Return to Mysterious Island: mouse behaves erratically in the menus
26313 Spellforce: zooming in/out with mousewheel doesn't work
26320 Team Fortress 2: side mouse buttons do not work
26328 windows aren't restored after minimizing
26329 TrackMania: reference timer becomes corrupted after a while
26347 Planet Stronghold demo wants msvcr90.dll._get_output_format
26367 Winecfg crashes when selecting Graphics tab
26374 RagTime Solo 5.6.5 installer crashes
26385 HTTP_ParseDay uses "sun" as variable name, which is GCC reserved word on Solaris
26390 Planescape: Torment crashes on startup
26391 Wine buitin IE crash while loading a page with more than THREE ActiveX objects
26393 Temple of Elemental Evil refuses to run
26428 Images are display incorrectly in Enterprise Architect.
26431 Program Zararadio crashes
26433 Freestyle - Street Basketball installer doesn't like wine's msxml3
26447 TrackMania (Nations/United): sometimes textures become black/too dark
26449 Sandlot Games launcher crashes in mshtml (gecko-1.2.0)

Downloads (~18 Mb)_http://ibiblio.org/pu...1.3.16.tar.bz2

