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RightMark CPU Clock Utility 2.35 + русификатор, Мониторинг частоты, троттлинга, загрузки
Дата обновления: 21.06.2009 - 14:21, перейти к новому сообщению

Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 8.030
RightMark Clock Utility 2.05

Утилита RMClock предназначена для мониторинга частоты, троттлинга и уровня загрузки процессора в реальном времени и изменения уровня производительности/энергопотребления поддерживаемых моделей процессоров "на ходу" посредством модель-специфичных регистров (MSR), управляющих режимом энергосбережения. В режиме автоматического управления утилита постоянно отслеживает уровень загрузки центрального процессора и динамически изменяет его частоту, уровень троттлинга и/или питающее напряжение по мере необходимости.

Основные возможности

Определение частоты и уровня загрузки процессора/ОС в реальном времени (с возможностью сохранения результатов в файл).
Определение практически любых форм троттлинга процессора.
Динамическое переключение состояний производительности процессора (изменение множителя процессора (FID) и/или его питающего напряжения (VID) в реальном времени) "по запросу".
Динамическое переключение уровней троттлинга (модуляции тактовой частоты) процессора "по запросу".
Тонкая настройка специфических функций энергопотребления/производительности процессоров семейства AMD K7, AMD K8, Intel Pentium M/Pentium 4/Xeon и Transmeta Crusoe/Efficeon.
Полноценная поддержка многопроцессорных систем (SMP/HT/multicore).

Поддерживаемые модели процессоров

В текущей версии RMClock реализовано определение частоты, уровня троттлинга и загрузки CPU для процессоров:

AMD K7 (Athlon/XP/MP, Duron, Sempron) и AMD K8 (Athlon 64/FX/X2, Opteron, Dual-Core Opteron, Sempron, Turion).
Intel Pentium II/Celeron, Pentium III/Celeron, Pentium M, Pentium 4/Celeron (ядра Northwood и Prescott), Pentium 4 Extreme Edition (ядра Gallatin и Prescott), Xeon (ядра Prestonia, Nocona, Cranford, Irwindale, Potomac, Paxville и Dempsey), Pentium D и Pentium Extreme Edition (ядра Smithfield, Presler и Cedar Mill)), Core Solo и Core Duo (ядро Yonah).

Динамическое управление состояниями производительности процессора реализовано для моделей:

AMD Athlon 64/FX/X2, мобильных Athlon 64, Opteron и Dual-Core Opteron с технологией AMD Cool`n'Quiet.
Мобильных или десктопных AMD Athlon XP с пониженным энергопотреблением, поддерживающих технологию AMD PowerNow!
Intel Pentium M с поддержкой мобильного варианта технологии Enhanced Intel SpeedStep (EIST).
Intel Pentium 4 600-х серий (ядро Prescott N0), Intel Xeon (ядра Nocona, Cranford, Irwindale, Potomac, Paxville и Dempsey) и Intel Pentium D 800/900-х серий и Intel Pentium Extreme Edition (ядра Smithfield, Presler и Cedar Mill) с поддержкой серверного варианта технологии Enhanced Intel SpeedStep (DBS).
Технология Intel SpeedStep и "старый" вариант Enhanced Intel SpeedStep, реализованные в мобильных процессорах Pentium III-M и Pentium 4-M не поддерживаются утилитой.

Изменение уровня троттлинга (модуляции тактовой частоты) процессора "на ходу" реализовано для моделей:

Intel Pentium M/Celeron M, Intel Pentium 4/Pentium 4 Extreme Edition/Celeron, Intel Xeon, Intel Pentium D/Pentium Extreme Edition, имеющих технологию модуляции тактовой частоты по запросу (ODCM).

Утилита RMClock способна функционировать и на неподдерживаемых моделях процессоров, однако в этом случае большинство ее функциональных возможностей будет недоступно.


Download: http://cpu.rightmark....ck_205_bin.exe

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Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 8.030
RightMark CPU Clock Utility 2.25

user posted image
Download: http://www603.fixdown...ck_225_bin.rar

Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 8.030
RightMark CPU Clock Utility 2.30 Update 1

RightMark CPU Clock Utility 2.30 Update 1

Fixed OSPM settings getting reset on some systems (Windows XP and Vista).
Fixed scrolling of the CPU performance states editor window.
Fixed CPU performance states editor behavior when no P-states are available.
RMClock PRO: Fixed immediate inactivation of actions with non-zero event activity time.

RightMark CPU Clock Utility 2.30

Changes to this version include (in reverse chronological order):
New official EULA added to the installation package (in English and Russian languages).
Improved design of the main CPU P-states table editor.
Minor UI fix of the Advanced CPU settings page, Intel Core 2 CPU families.
RMClock Updater: Fixed update installation procedure to handle updating of all files of an update package.
Brand new UI design of the main CPU P-states table editor.
Fixed battery tray icon context menu availability at program startup.
RMClock PRO: Added new event type: calendar (one time only, daily, weekly).
Added monitoring graph grid color selection.
Improved drawing of the monitoring graphs with custom graph background.
Changed default text color of CPU frequency, CPU temperature and Battery tray icons.
Improved drawing of CPU frequency and CPU temperature tray icons: no transparency color restriction.
Improved efficiency of P-states transitions logic with official AMD K8 PST schemes.
Modified "CpuTempOffset" registry tweak format to allow per-core CPU temperature offsets.
Fixed applying of Intel EIST enable setting at startup.
Fixed custom power plan not being created correctly on Windows Vista.
Fixed per-profile OSPM settings applying on Windows Vista.
Added desktop/mobile Intel Core2 CPU type selection.
RMClock PRO: Fixed "OS power scheme changes" event handling on Windows Vista.
RMClock PRO: Added new event type: enter into system standby.
Improved handling of incompatible registry settings (prevents sudden loss of the module licenses).
Added new AMD K8 NPT CPU default P-states tables.
Added support for new Intel CPUs (Pentium Dual Core, Celeron 4xx, new Core 2 revisions).
Added support for new Intel southbridges (ICH8M and ICH9 families).
Added process/thread realtime priority setting (as a registry tweak).
Added advanced logging options to the Settings page.
Unlocked "Hard C4E" option for Intel Core 2 CPUs.
Fixed incorrect determination of certain Intel Core 2 CPUs as "mobile" ones.
Fixed "Apply changes?" confirmation dialog problem on main window hiding/restoring.
Added "check-after-apply" for the advanced CPU settings at startup.
Added option to enable/disable battery devices auto-detection on insertion/removal.
Added settings to force battery life time and charge/discharge rate estimation.
Implemented per-profile manage OSPM setting on Windows 2000/XP/Vista.
Added full-featured support for OSPM setting management on Windows Vista.
Disabled OSPM settings tab when OSPM management is disabled.
Changed OSPM settings format and appearance on Windows 2000/XP.
Fixed "Disable OS CPU power management" setting on Windows 2000/XP.
Improved AMD K8 CPU core temperature reading routine.
Implemented "interactive" Apply button behavior in all property pages.
Fixed AC power/battery icon resources loading when localization DLLs are used.
Added handling of "TaskbarCreated" message on Windows Vista.
RMClock PRO: Added new event type: resume from standby.
RMClock PRO: Added new event type: power status change.
RMClock PRO: Added new event type: OS power scheme changes.
RMClock PRO: Fixed inactivation of currently active actions on disabling with a check box.
Added Celsius/Farenheit temperature display setting.
Added option to skip CPUID check (as a registry tweak).
Fixed battery tray icon context menu availability at program startup.
Added showing/hiding of individual Monitoring graphs.
Fixed Advanced CPU settings (AMD K8, Transmeta) context menu positions.
Changed copyright of all modules to match official company name.
Moved combo boxes items to the resource strings (aids in localization).

Size: 564 KB


Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 8.030
RightMark CPU Clock Utility 2.35

Changes to this version include (in reverse chronological order):

Added automatic SuperLFM feature detection (Intel Santa Rosa platform).
Corrected main tray icon animation to include SuperLFM state.
Added identification of 45nm Intel Core 2 CPUs.
Added identification of Intel Celeron Dual Core CPUs.
Fixed performance on demand state comparison in SuperLFM mode.
Corrected CPU load measurement in SuperLFM state (Intel Santa Rosa platform).
Performance on Demand profiles now shouldn't get stuck in SuperLFM state.
CPU defaults settings now use P-states rather than FID/VID pairs.
P-states table disabled when CPU power management features are unavailable.
RMClock PRO: "Application running" event now also includes processes from other users.
Added preliminary support for 45 nm Intel Core 2 family processors (Yorkfield, Wolfdale and Penryn cores).
Fixed Auto-adjust intermediate states VIDs feature behavior on Intel Santa Rosa platform.
Added flexible VID choice for Intel Dynamic Acceleration (IDA) P-state.
Modified FID/VID range used in Monitoring.
Fixed CPU frequency measurement in SuperLFM mode.
Reverted not to use 8254 timer by default as a clock source for CPU frequency measurement.
Added preliminary detection and support for Intel Dynamic Acceleration (IDA) and Dynamic FSB Frequency Switching (DFFS) technologies on Intel Santa Rosa platform.
Changed minimal VID and Maximal FID/VID detection on Intel Core 2 CPUs.
Redesigned CPU performance states editor (Profiles page) to indicate P-state type and support flexible FID P-states.
Modified default settings of custom Vista OSPM plan to automatically disable the OS CPU power management.
Removed "Use Intel Core 2 ACNT for the CPU load determination" registry tweak.
Implemented 4-digit VID fraction indication in most UI parts.
Improved design of the Settings page.
Restricted application language selection to the available resource DLLs only.
Added use of 8254 timer as a clock source for CPU frequency measurement by default (configurable via registry tweak).
Added support for Intel ICH9DO southbridge.
Added new multiprocessor platforms CPU load calculation methods.
Added detection of AMD Family 10h Opteron CPUs (no support for AMD Cool`n'Quiet 2 technology yet).
RMClock Updater: added update version restrictions to prevent the download and installation of incorrect update versions.
Added detection of the mobile Intel Core 2 Solo processors.
Added support for the new Intel Core 2 family processors (CPUID 10661h).
Fixed OSPM settings names display on localized Windows versions.
Fixed log file handling.

Size: ~ 571 KB


Группа: Администраторы

Сообщений: 31.607
RightMark CPU Clock Utility (RMclock) 2.35 + Русификатор

Присоединённый файл  rmclock_rus.rar ( 539.29кб ) Кол-во скачиваний: 7913

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