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Dragon UnPACKer "Exedra", Извлечение ресурсов из игр
Дата обновления: 18.10.2010 - 21:00, перейти к новому сообщению

Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 8.030
Dragon UnPACKer Release B "Cinthia"

Программа, предназначенная для извлечения ресурсов (графика, медиа и т.д.) из *.PAK файлов в играх типа Quake 2 и т.д.

This FREEWARE program allow you to see into the big files in games like Quake 2 (go look in the BaseQ2 sub directory, see the big PAK0.PAK file, that's one) and extract files to anywhere you want easily.

This version 5 is faster than any previous version, uses external drivers (DLL files) to read file formats and does not need those huge (2mb) DLL to run (like in version 4).

What's new in this version

i Since last version 5.1.2 WIP (9 months ago), I was quite inactive in
developping Dragon UnPACKer. But the last few days were quite productive
(imho). Here is the result: A new version for 2005 (just in time).
+ Ability to use priority for Drivers plugins.
What is that for ?
Well, basically for expert users this allows to prefer one driver over
another one when trying to open files.
For example:
If you want drv_mix to try opening a file before drv_default you will give
drv_mix a priority higher than for drv_default.
Maximum priority: 200
Minimum priority: 0
+ New error dialog box. I hope this will allow for better bug reports.
(Not used everywhere, but should show in most situations)
+ Add a log to the UI to know what is going on.
You can hide this new log thingy (hint: right click or in the options).
+ Added a new log options tab (in the Options obviously)
+ New convert and driver plugin system (respectively DUCI v3 and DUDI v4).
This allow for direct (without using temporary file, therefore faster)
convertion. This was created with preview feature in mind.
* Enhanced HyperRipper and plugin to support very big files (more than 2GB).
* UT Packages driver plugin is now v2.3.0 (DUDI v4):
* Now using TUTPackages v2.3-cvs (09/05/2004)
This is certainly the last version ever from Antonio Cordero.
Modified it a bit to support extraction to a stream.
+ Added Game Hint structure. This is needed for better game support by the
library. For every new file you open it will popup asking from which game
is the file. Just select the game in the drop down list.
If the game is not in the list, it will most probably be not supported
* ZIP driver plugin is now v1.1.0 (DUDI v4):
i Now using UnZip.pas from Gerke Preussner
InfoZIP UnZip for Delphi Wrapper (http://www.gerke-preussner.de)
* Now using UnZip32.Dll (InfoZip) v5.5.2.
i This version of the plugin is extracting the whole entry to memory and
then writes it into a file. If needed I might add an option to go direct
to disk when file is more than a certain size.
! Fixed bug #1118661: Very Big Files failure
! Fixed bug #1066079: Caption "Drivers" cannot be translated
* Convert plugin is now v2.0.1 (DUCI v3):
+ New convert function that use TStream input and output.
* Old convert function are now only wrappers to the new functions.
! Fixed some bugs (not sure they weren't introduced by the TStream system)
* Main driver plugin is now v2.0.0 (DUDI v4):
+ New extraction function that use TStream as output.
+ Added progress display for a bunch of extraction functions.
+ Added support for Age of Empires 3 .BAR files
+ Added support for Black & White 2 .STUFF & .LUG files
+ Added support for Civilization 4 .FPK files
+ Added support for Fable: The Lost Chapters .LUG files
+ Added support for F.E.A.R. .ARCH00 files
+ Added support for LEGO Star Wars .DAT files
+ Added support for The Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth .BIG files
+ Added support for The Movies .BIG & .LUG files
* Duppi v2.1.0:
+ Now using the new Dragon UnPACKer Update Server [DUS] version 3 (PHP based,
sources included).
That means Duppi will only display updates & translations related to your
version of Dragon UnPACKer.
+ Now also support internet retrieval of translations directly from Duppi!
+ Added support to retrieve version number for all 3 new plugins interfaces
(DUCI v3, DUDI v4 and DUHI v3)
! Fixed bug #1066080: Caption: "InfoLab" while connecting to server
i Compiled for support of language files version 9.

Language: English

License: FreeWare

Home: _http://www.elberethzo...p5&language=en

Size: ~ 2.16 MB


Ответов(1 - 4)

Группа: Пользователи

Сообщений: 2
Ну и что?! Где новая версия? по ссылке качается версия 2006 года.???

Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 8.030
Цитата | Quote(pafnutiy761 @ 6.03.2008 - 15:41)
Ну и что?! Где новая версия? по ссылке качается версия 2006 года.???

Сейчас исправим


Исправлено! Изменил ссылку в шапке.

Группа: Модераторы

Сообщений: 10.906
Dragon UnPACKer v5.4.0a "Degei"

Release A [23/04/2009] - stable

История изменений:
» Нажмите, для открытия спойлера | Press to open the spoiler «

без инсталлятора, 2,5 mb:

с инсталлятором, 2,7 mb:

Plugins versions:

» Нажмите, для открытия спойлера | Press to open the spoiler «



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Группа: Наши Люди

Сообщений: 12.045
Dragon UnPACKer "Exedra"

» Нажмите, для открытия спойлера | Press to open the spoiler «

Размер: 2,37 МБ.

Размер: 2,15 МБ.

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