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Маленькие программы, сборник небольших программ и утилит для windows
Дата обновления: 09.04.2024 - 12:44, перейти к новому сообщению

Группа: Администраторы

Сообщений: 8.232
В этой теме размещаются программы, размер которых не превышает 1mb, в среднем до 100-200 kb
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Ответов(120 - 129)

Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 8.030
MessenPass 1.16

MessenPass - утилита по восстановлению паролей веб-пейджеров MSN Messenger, Windows Messenger (In Windows XP), Yahoo Messenger, ICQ Lite 4.x/2003, AOL Instant Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger/Netscape 7, Trillian, Miranda, GAIM.

MessenPass is a password recovery tool that reveals the passwords of the following instant messenger applications:
MSN Messenger
Windows Messenger (In Windows XP)
Yahoo Messenger
ICQ Lite 4.x/2003
AOL Instant Messenger
AOL Instant Messenger/Netscape 7

MessenPass can only be used to recover the passwords for the current logged-on user on your local computer. You cannot use it for grabbing the passwords of other users.
MessenPass is a standalone executable, and it doesn´t require any installation process or additional DLLs. In order to start using it, just copy the executable file (mspass.exe) to any folder you like, and run it.

This utility is released as freeware for personal and non-commercial use.

Language: English

License: FreeWare

Home: _http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/mspass.html

Size: ~ 61 KB



Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 8.030
ExpertSec Malware Detection Engine 0.3

ExpertSec Malware Detection Engine - сканер ПК на предмет наличия вредоносного программного обеспечения.

ExpertSec Malware Detection Engine is a malware scanner that allows you to scan and detect what is not right inside the Windows folder, the place where most of the malware resides.

How to use it:
Extract the contents of the zip file to a folder and double click on the esde application. An easy to use graphical interface will appear. You need to select the Windows folder and press the Scan button. After the scan is finished, by using the default options, a report will be created and if any files are recognized as suspect, then they will automatically be sent to our research lab for further analysis. You will also be prompted for your e-mail so we can reply to you if the file is indeed a malware or not.

Also we have implemented an update function for our malware detection engine, so you can have the latest detection technology available.

Language: English

License: FreeWare

Home: _http://www.expertsec.com

Size: 48 KB


Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 8.030
DLL Export Viewer 1.12

DLL Export Viewer для заданной DLL показывает список всех экспортированных функций и их адреса в виртуальной памяти.

This utility displays the list of all exported functions and their virtual memory addresses for the specified DLL files. You can easily copy the memory address of the desired function, paste it into your debugger, and set a breakpoint for this memoery address. When this function is called, the debugger will stop in the beginning of this function.

For example: If you want to break each time that a message box is going to be displayed, simply put breakpoints on the memory addresses of message-box functions: MessageBoxA, MessageBoxExA, and MessageBoxIndirectA (or MessageBoxW, MessageBoxExW, and MessageBoxIndirectW in unicode based applications) When one of the message-box functions is called, your debugger should break in the entry point of that function, and then you can look at call stack and go backward into the code that initiated this API call.

Language: English

License: FreeWare

Home: _http://www.nirsoft.ne...rt_viewer.html

Size: 39 KB



Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 8.030
ozZoom 1.0

ozZoom - зумер, увеличивающий область, на которую указывает указатель мыши. Кратность увеличения - 2x 4x 6x 8x.

ozZoom is a utility that zooms the mouse pointer area with multiple zoom levels (move cursor over ozZoom window and define the level 2x 4x 6x 8x).

Language: English

License: FreeWare

Home: _http://nebula1979.fortunecity.it/

Size: 238 KB


Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 8.030
ozCapture 1.0

ozCapture - малогабаритный скриншотер. По нажатию горячих клавиш захватывает скрины экрана или отдельных окон в файлы формата JPG или BMP. Полученные изображения помещаются в спец папку или напрямую архивируются в файл C:\ozCapture.zip.

ozCapture is an advanced screenshot capture that allows to capture the entire desktop or only active window. Captured files (JPG or BMP) are stored in sub application path or can be direclty compressed in C:\ozCapture.zip file. Default CTRL+SHIFT+F10 will trigger shot and a background blink border flash will notify operation done.

Language: English

License: FreeWare

Home: _http://nebula1979.fortunecity.it/

Size: ~ 315 KB


Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 8.030

GCBIDE - компилятор IDE в GCBasic.

GCBIDE is a frontend IDE to the fantastic opensource GCBasic compiler (copyright by Hugh Considine). Programming the PIC is now easier than ever. No knowledge of assembler is needed to make a start for newbies. The syntax is in very simple basic.

System Requirements: 32-bit Windows.

Language: English

License: FreeWare

Home: _http://gcbide.googlepages.com/

Size: 336 KB


Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 8.030
EZHostCheck v1.01

EZHostCheck - программа для мониторинга хостов через ICMP и проверки наличия открытых TCP портов.

EZHostCheck is a tool created in response to the many tools that already existed that were in my opinion overly complex and costly. Most people have a series of hosts they wish to monitor to ensure their availability but canґt spend a bunch of time and resources monitoring them. There are a number of tools which will ping (ICMP) a host and alert when the ping fails, however many times, the host will respond just fine to pings, but the service the host is providing (ie. http, smtp,etc) will have stopped resulting in that host no longer serving that tcp port request (ie. 80,25,etc)

With EZHostCheck you add the hosts you wish to monitor and specify if you wish to monitor the host via ICMP or check for the existence of an open TCP port. Further you choose the level of alerting you wish for each host. The result is that each host entry in the monitored list, can have a different monitoring type (ICMP or TCP Port), alert notifications (Play a sound file or send an email) and status levels (you can disable one of the hosts if you know it will be down for a period of time so that it will not bombard you with alerts, etc).

Language: English

License: FreeWare

Home: _http://www.darkchip.c...eck/index.html

Size: ~ 182 KB


Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 8.030
SniffPass 1.03

SniffPass - сниффер паролей протоколов POP3, IMAP4, SMTP, FTP и HTTP (базовая аутентификация). Рекумендуется использовать в благих целях, в частности - для восстановления забытых паролей Web / FTP / Email. smile.gif

SniffPass is small freeware utility that listens to your network, capture the passwords that pass through your network adapter, and display them on the screen instantly. SniffPass can capture the passwords of the following Protocols: POP3, IMAP4, SMTP, FTP, and HTTP (basic authentication passwords).

You can use this utility to recover lost Web/FTP/Email passwords.

Language: English, Русский

License: FreeWare

Home: _http://www.nirsoft.ne...d_sniffer.html

Size: ~ 40.4 KB



Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 8.030
SmartSniff v1.35 + русик

SmartSniff - маленькая утилита, позволяющая перехватывать TCP/IP пакеты, проходящие через ваш сетевой адаптер, и показывать перехваченные данные как последовательность вещания между клиентами и серверами. Программа обеспечивает 3 разных метода перехвата пакетов, что делает её более универсальной.


SmartSniff allows you to capture TCP/IP packets that pass through your network adapter, and view the captured data as sequence of conversations between clients and servers. You can view the TCP/IP conversations in Ascii mode (for text-based protocols, like HTTP, SMTP, POP3 and FTP.) or as hex dump. (for non-text base protocols, like DNS)
SmartSniff provides 3 methods for capturing TCP/IP packets :
Raw Sockets (Only for Windows 2000/XP or greater): Allows you to capture TCP/IP packets on your network without installing a capture driver. This method has some limitations and problems.
WinPcap Capture Driver: Allows you to capture TCP/IP packets on all Windows operating systems. (Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista) In order to use it, you have to download and install WinPcap Capture Driver from this Web site. (WinPcap is a free open-source capture driver.)
This method is generally the preferred way to capture TCP/IP packets with SmartSniff, and it works better than the Raw Sockets method.
Microsoft Network Monitor Driver (Only for Windows 2000/XP/2003): Microsoft provides a free capture driver under Windows 2000/XP/2003 that can be used by SmartSniff, but this driver is not installed by default, and you have to manually install it, by using one of the following options:
Option 1: Install it from the CD-ROM of Windows 2000/XP according to the instructions in Microsoft Web site
Option 2 (XP Only) : Download and install the Windows XP Service Pack 2 Support Tools. One of the tools in this package is netcap.exe. When you run this tool in the first time, the Network Monitor Driver will automatically be installed on your system.

Language: English

License: FreeWare

Home: _http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/smsniff.html

Size: ~ 57.4 KB



Группа: Пользователи

Сообщений: 102
Цитата | Quote(PIo_79 @ 11.12.2007 - 19:05)
Цитата | Quote(proBEARkin @ 30.09.2007 - 12:18)

По умолчанию в win 2000 , ХР autorun включён для всех (в т.ч. неизвестных) устройств . Отключить его например при подключении USB диска оказалось не так-то просто . Небольшая утилитка легко наведёт порядок . 9к (rar)
Перезалейте, пожалуйста, еще раз. Файл удален.
Действительно, вещь очень удобная по простоте использования - вместо обычного прокликивания "Не выполнять никаких действий" по всем "Типам содержимого" в "Автозапуске" свойств флеш-дисков.

А вот здесь кажется оно самое тоже имеется wink.gif