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Open Contacts, Мощный универсальный органайзер!
Дата обновления: 04.09.2008 - 01:32, перейти к новому сообщению

Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 8.030
Open Contacts 5.0 Beta

Твой софтовый форум

Open Contacts - бесплатный полнофункциональный органайзер, продвинутая адресная книга, отличная программа для хранения контактных данных об отдельных людях и организациях. Программа пригодится, прежде всего, деловым людям, которые по долгу службы вынуждены общаться с большим количеством людей. Программа позволяет организовать базу данных контактов, указав для каждого неограниченное число полей. Все данные могут быть организованы по категориям, благодаря чему можно объединять сведения о людях, которые работают, к примеру, на одном предприятии. Open Contacts дает возможность создавать ссылки на любые внешние программы, например, чтобы при выборе телефонного номера запускалась программа Skype, при выборе почтового адреса – The Bat! и т.д. По любому из полей можно производить поиск, а скачав дополнительный плагин (ссылка внизу), можно в полной мере использовать поисковые возможности приложения Google Desktop.
Возможен импорт данных из MS Outlook, Outlook Express (WAB), Eudora, Netscape/Mozilla Thunderbird, XML (xCard), CSV, LDIF, Vista, vCard и экспорт в text, CSV, Excel, vCard, hCard, XML (xCard), HTML.
Также имеется возможность прикреплять фото и файлы.
И еще множество полезностей!

Open Contacts is an advanced address book program for managing contact info of individuals and organizations with relationships. Distributed as freeware, the program was designed for people who need more beyond legacy address book programs in order to improve dynamic interactions with contacts.

Essential Features:

Unlimited data fields to store any contact info. Along with predefined fields, you may add unlimited data fields grouped by section.
Manage relationships between individuals, organizations and departments.
Comprehensive Categories. You may click on a category to view contacts of the category, or right click to list contacts of subcategories recursively.
Search through any data field, and search birthday of people.
Interact with Windows applications of telephony, Skype, emailing or Web/File browsing etc.
Map service with Google Maps. You may use either single line address or multi-line address.
Print contact info and labels on papers of different sizes.
Import from MS Outlook, Outlook Express (WAB), Eudora, Netscape/Mozilla Thunderbird, XML (xCard), CSV, LDIF, Vista and vCard.
Export to indented text, CSV, Excel, vCard, hCard, XML (xCard) and HTML.
Attach photos and files .
Portable. You may bring your address book database and the program in an external device such as a USB flash disk, and run the program on any Windows PC.
LAN supports for multiple users in Local Area Network, using true Client/Server architecture.

Language: English

License: FreeWare

Home: www.fonlow.com

Size: ~ 4.5 MB


Google Desktop Open Contacts Plug-in Version 2.0
http://www.fonlow.com...gledesktop.zip ~ 13 KB

Portable release v4.1.1
http://www.fonlow.com...ocportable.zip ~ 5.43 MB

Ответов(1 - 7)

Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 8.030
Open Contacts 5.0 Final

Version 5.0 Final
Support change log which is dynamically generated. Thus, synchronization with Plaxo server and SyncML server has become possible. Open Contacts Plaxo Sync was developed. A companion program for SyncML server like Funambol will be coming soon.

Size: ~ 4.5 MB



Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 8.030
Open Contacts


* Could not delete a section. Fixed.
* Add the Communication template for the Quick View window. You may change the template of the Quick View through the Options-View. This template groups data fields of electronic communication by Email, phone, and instant messenger.

Size: ~ 4.46 MB


Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 8.030
Open Contacts

Version 5.1

The drop down count of dynamic fields is adjustable from 8 to 36. This is configured in the Options.
When inputting birthday, it is acceptable to define month and day only without year. The format is MM-DD. In the Search Birthday window, the age of a contact won't be calculated if no year is defined.
When pasting multiple lines of text with predefined labels to create multiple fields, now the program can use only characters at the right end of the last TAB character if any.
Support advanced management of postal addresses. While each section of a record may have one postal address, you may appoint the postal address of one of the sections to be the postal address. In addition, if you prefer using a company's address, you may set the postal address to be the company's.
For the Quick View window, you may view postal address only after setting the Quick View style sheet to be "Postal address".
When inputting names of contacts, you may choose to have fields "Given name", "middle name" and "Surname" only while hiding the full name field, as you may prefer not to use automatic full name analysis. And for tolerating duplicated names, you may still amend the full name.
When exporting to XML with options, all categories will be exported as well if option "Settings" is checked. Then when importing from such XML to another database, all categories will be restored.
Add the Communication template for the Quick View window. You may change the template of the Quick View through the Options-View. This template groups data fields of electronic communication by Email, phone, and instant messenger.

Size: ~ 4.59 MB


Группа: Наши Люди

Сообщений: 2.811
Open Contacts

Твой софтовый форумCкачать ~ 4.7 Mb

Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 8.030
Open Contacts

Size: ~ 4.63 MB


Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 8.030
Open Contacts

What's New in version

Bug fixing. On Vista, when creating shortcut for default Contacts directory, the program crashes. Fixed.

Size: ~ 4.64 MB


Группа: Наши Люди

Сообщений: 100
Open Contacts
Size 4.6 MB

Цитата | Quote
    *  The Birthday Reminder Helper now support customization on the Summary field and the Description field of vEvent of iCalendar.
    * Add better support for built-in Skype feature. Now you may define prefix for Skype phone call if you prefer using Skype to make phone call all the time. Please refer to Phone and Skype.
    * Provide an action plugin to support dialling a phone number via Skype. To enable the plugin programs, please go to [Options -> Applications -> Enable Action Plugin], and restart Open Contacts. This feature is good when you want to temporarily dial phone numbers via Skype.
    * Provide an action plugin to support Yahoo Maps and Microsoft Live Maps.

