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Calcute 7.2.3 Freeware, Достойная замена стандарт. калькулятору
Дата обновления: 09.04.2007 - 10:44, перейти к новому сообщению

Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 8.030
Calcute 7.2.3 Freeware

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Достойная замена стандартному калькулятору Windows.

Upgrade your regular Windows calculator: replace it with this unobstrusive scientific tape calculator. With sleek functionality, it improves upon traditional calculators. It can take very little space on your desktop if you want:

Calcute is more evolved than regular calculators. It is in fact an expression evaluator. Unlike limited hand-held devices where numbers disappear as soon as you enter the next one, Calcute lets you enter a complete expression as if you were using a regular text editor. You can see what you are doing so you can easily make corrections. Type what you want to calculate, press Enter to get the answer. The calculator keypad can remain hidden or it can be shown if you prefer to click buttons with the mouse instead of typing.

You can stretch the display area to any size in order to retain and review past calculations, as if this were a paper tape calculator. But here you can also go back up the tape, edit past expressions and re-calculate them. You can even retain your work by saving everything to a file, to be restored later.

A number of interesting features are present in this little tool. Browse the site to learn about them, or just download the software and try it out. It's free! It's also clean: no spyware, no adware, nothing more than this handy calculator.

user posted image
Download (~150 Кб): http://calcute.com/calcute_setup.exe

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