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Disk Shower 2007, очистка диска
Дата публикации: 11.01.2007 - 02:59

Группа: СуперМодераторы

Сообщений: 6.628
Disk Shower 2007

Disk Shower 2007 - Позволяет находить неиспользуемые и устаревшие файлы, а также файлы-дубликаты, корректно удалять ненужные программы (встроенный менеджер деинсталяции), производить очистку по расписанию удалять историю интернет серфинга и проделывать многое другое.
When different programs are running, temporary files necessary for the proper functioning those programs are created on hard disk. Quite often these temporary files are not deleted. The temporary files remain on hard disk, occupy the space and slowing the work of your computer. The tool "Power Disk Cleaner" is used for periodic cleaning of the computer from temporary and unused files to make your computer more stable, and fast.
During this part of the scanning process, the program performs a complete analysis of the user-specified disks. It checks every file in Disk. If it finds any Junk, unwanted or Temporary Files, it will write that file to the list of found results.
After scanning you need to delete temporary files using the "Delete" button.
System requirements
Windows 2000/XP/ Vista
Pentium 120 MHz
8004x600 SVGA display
20 MB free hard drive space
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